unknown venue (England)

Productions at this venue

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Format: 2025
Format: 2025
Productionsort ascending First performed Companies Ancient works performed
[Readings of a selection of Gilbert Murray's translations] (1901) 1901
Y Cymalu (1958) 1958 BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) Clouds
Y Cymalu (1951) 1951 BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) Clouds
Women of Troy (1999) 1999 East 15 Acting School Trojan Women
Women of Troy (1995) 1995 Trojan Women
Women of Troy (1958) 1958 BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) Trojan Women
Women of Troy (1952) 1952 BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) Trojan Women
Women of Trachis (1954) 1954 BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) Trachiniai (The Women of Trachis)
Women in Power (1970) 1969 BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) Ekklesiazousai (Assembly Women)
Wasps (1969) 1968 BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) Wasps
Trojan Women (1996) 1996 Actors of Dionysus Trojan Women
Trojan Women (1972) 1972 Masqueraders Theatre Club Trojan Women
Trojan Women (1941) 1940 Trojan Women
Trojan Women Stanhope Theatre Company Trojan Women
Trojan Women Prometheus Theatre Company Trojan Women
Troades Trojan Women
Trinummus (1958) 1958 BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) Trinummus (Threepence)
Trachinniae [sic] (1772) 1772 Student actors Trachiniai (The Women of Trachis)
Thyestes (1982) 1982 BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) Thyestes
Three Birds Alighting on a Field (2002) 2002 Rep College Philoktetes
The Women of Troy (1952) 1952 BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) Trojan Women
The Women of Troy (1944) 1943 BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) Trojan Women
The Woman from Samos (1970) 1969 BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) Samia (The Girl from Samos)
The Trojan Women (2001) 2001 BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) Trojan Women
The Trojan Women (1946) 1946 BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) Trojan Women
The Trojan Women (1937) 1937 BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) Trojan Women
The Theban Plays (1986) 1986 BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation), Endymion Ensemble Oedipus the King, Oedipus at Colonus, Antigone
The Sons of Oedipus (1976) 1976 BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) Phoinissai (The Phoenician Women)
The Seven (1981) 1981 BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) Seven against Thebes
The Serpent Son (1979) 1979 BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
The Rape of the Locks (1956) 1956 BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) Perikeiromene (The Girl with the Shaven Head)
The Rape of the Locks (1942) 1941 BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) Perikeiromene (The Girl with the Shaven Head)
The Pot of Gold (1980) 1980 BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) Aulularia (The Pot of Gold)
The Persians (1965) 1965 BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) Persai (Persians)
The Persians (1958) 1958 BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) Persai (Persians)
The Persians (1939) 1939 BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) Persai (Persians)
The Last Word (2004) 2004 BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) Medea
The Gods are Laughing (1995) 1995 Birds, Acharnians, Wasps, Clouds, Frogs, Lysistrata
The Girl from Samos; or The In-Laws (1971) 1970 BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) Samia (The Girl from Samos)
The Ghost (1999) 1999 Mostellaria (The Haunted House)
The Frogs (1956) 1956 BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) Frogs
The Frogs (1951) 1951 BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) Frogs
The Frogs (1947) 1947 BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) Frogs
The Flies (1947) 1947 BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides, Elektra
The Festival of Women (1965) 1965 BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) Thesmophoriazousai (The Women at the Thesmophoria)
The Family Reunion (1956) 1956 H. M. Tennent Ltd Eumenides
The Family Reunion (1948) 1948 BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) Eumenides
The Eunuch (1968) 1968 BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) Eunuchus (The Eunuch)
The Eunuch Eunuchus (The Eunuch)
The Erasers (1965) 1965 BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) Oedipus the King

How to cite this venue

unknown venue (England), accessed at http://www.apgrd.ox.ac.uk/productions/venues/1043 <14 February 2025>