Prometheus Bound

Content related to this work

Format: 2025
Production First performed Venues Companies
Prometheus Bound Trikeri Prison (Trikéri, Greece)
Prometheus Klosterruine Hersfeld (Bad Hersfeld, Hesse, Germany)
Prometheus 2/5/13
Prometheus Bound Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA) (London, Greater London, England) Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA)
Prometheus Bound Residenztheater (Munich, Free State of Bavaria, Germany)
Prometheus (1609) 1609 Schultheater (Strasbourg, Alsace, France) Schultheater, Strasbourg
Prometheus; or Man on the Rock! (1865) 1865 New Royalty Theatre (London, Greater London, England), Prince's Hall, Piccadilly (London, Greater London, England)
Prometheus (1867) 1867 Petit Séminaire d'Orléans (Orléans, Centre, France) Petit Séminaire d'Orléans
Prometheus the Firegiver (1880 - 1890) 1880 unknown venue (Newbury, West Berkshire, England) Student actors
Scenes from Shelley's Prometheus Unbound (1880) 1880 unknown venue (Gloucester, County of Gloucestershire, England)
Prometheus (1887) 1887 Beloit College (Beloit, State of Wisconsin, United States) Beloit College (Department of Greek)
Prometheus (1890) 1890 Deutsches Theater und Kammerspiele, Kammerspiele (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany) Deutsches Theater
Ho Prometheus en Olympoi (1894) 1894 Theatro Paradeisos (Athens, Attica, Greece)
Prometheus (1895 - 1901) 1895 Drury College (Springfield, State of Missouri, United States) Drury College
Le Prométhée mal enchaîné (1899) 1899 Chateau Vallon (France)
Prometheus (1900) 1900 Ancient Stadium of Athens, Panathinaïko Stadio (Athens, Attica, Greece)
Prométhée (1900) 1900 Ancient Theatre of Béziers, Arènes de Béziers (Béziers, Languedoc-Roussillon, France)
Prométhée Enchaîné (1901) 1901 Ancient Theatre of Béziers, Arènes de Béziers (Béziers, Languedoc-Roussillon, France)
Prométhée (1907) 1907 unknown venue (Paris, Île-de-France, France)
Prometheus (1908) 1908 unknown venue (Istanbul, Istanbul Province, Turkey) Syllogos Erasimolpon, Filarmonikos Omilos Fanariou [Philharmonic Group of Fanari]
Prometheus: Le Poème du Feu (1909) 1909 unknown venue (Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation)
Prometeusz skowany (1910) 1910 Teatr Miejski im. Juliusza Słowackiego, Municipal Theatre (Kraków, Lesser Poland Voivodeship, Poland) Teatr Miejski [Municipal Theatre] im. Juliusza Słowackiego, Kraków, Jagiellonian University (Akademickie Koło Artystyczne Miłośników Dramatu Klasycznego)
Prometheas Desmotis (1917) 1917 Demotiko Theatro, Municipal Theatre (Athens, Attica, Greece)
Prometheus Bound (1917 - 1920) 1917 unknown venue (Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation) Moscow Art Theatre
Prométhée (1917) 1917 Opéra (Paris, Île-de-France, France)
Prometheus (1925) 1925 Stadttheater (Basel, Basel-City, Switzerland)
Leyhausen_Prometheus (1927) 1927 Ancient Theatre of Delphi (Delphi, Central Greece, Greece)
Prometheus in Chains (1927) 1927 unknown venue (Greece)
Prometheus (1927) 1927 Ancient Theatre of Delphi (Delphi, Central Greece, Greece) Thiasos Delphikon Eorton [Company of the Delphic Celebrations]
Prometheus (1929) 1929 Festival Theatre, Newmarket Road, Theatre Royal (Cambridge, County of Cambridgeshire, England) Cambridge Festival Theatre of Terence Gray
Prometheus Bound (1930) 1930 Ancient Theatre of Delphi (Delphi, Central Greece, Greece) Ethniko Theatro [National Theatre of Greece]
Prometheus (1930) 1930 Belvedere Theatre (Alexandria, Alexandria Governorate, Egypt), unknown venue (Istanbul, Istanbul Province, Turkey), unknown venue (Egypt) Etaireia Hellinon Kallitechnon [Company of Greek Artists]
Prometheas Desmotis (1930) 1930 Ancient Theatre of Heliopolis (Heliopolis (Ancient), Al Qāhirah, Egypt) Thiasos Operetas Manou Filippidi
Prometheus Bound (1930) 1930 Heckscher Theatre (New York City, New York, United States) Eta Sigma Phi of NYU
Prometheus Bound (1930) 1930 unknown venue (New York City, New York, United States)
Prometheas Desmotis (1931) 1931 Ancient Stadium of Athens, Panathinaïko Stadio (Athens, Attica, Greece) Thymelikos Thiasos [a.k.a. Organismos Archaiou Dramatos]
Prometheas Desmotis (1933) 1933 unknown venue (Greece) Thymelikos Thiasos [a.k.a. Organismos Archaiou Dramatos]
Prometheus (1933) 1933 Sadler's Wells (London, Greater London, England)
Prometheus Bound (1934) 1934 Randolph-Macon Women's College (Lynchburg, Virginia, United States) Randolph-Macon Women's College (Department of Greek)
Prometheus (1936) 1936 Universität Berlin (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany) Universität Berlin
Prometheus Bound (1936) 1936 Wellesley College (Wellesley, Massachusetts, United States) Wellesley College (Department of Greek)
Prometheus Bound (1939) 1939 Yale University (New Haven, Connecticut, United States)
Prometheus Bound (1940) 1940 unknown venue (United States)
Prometheus Bound (1948) 1948 unknown venue (England) BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation)
Prometheas Desmotis (1949) 1949 Ancient Odeion of Herodes Atticus (Athens, Attica, Greece) Thymelikos Thiasos [a.k.a. Organismos Archaiou Dramatos]
Prometheus (1952 - 1953) 1952 Little Theatre (Sheffield, City and Borough of Sheffield, England), Twentieth Century Theatre (London, Greater London, England) Sheffield Educational Settlement
Prometheas Desmotis (1952) 1952 Ancient Theatre of Delphi (Delphi, Central Greece, Greece), Ancient Odeion of Herodes Atticus (Athens, Attica, Greece), unknown venue (Argos, Peloponnese, Greece), unknown venue (Greece) Thymelikos Thiasos [a.k.a. Organismos Archaiou Dramatos]
Prometheus (1952) 1952 University of Chicago (Chicago, State of Illinois, United States) University of Chicago
Prometeo Incatenato (1954) 1954 Angelicum (Milan, Lombardy, Italy)
Prometeo Incatenato (1954) 1954 Ancient Theatre of Syracuse, Teatro Greco (Syracuse, Sicily, Italy) Istituto Nazionale del Dramma Antico
Script Year Contributors
A Libertação de Prometeu: Rascunhos da Comuna Jorge Silva Melo
Aeschylus: The Prometheus Bound (1932) 1932 George Thomson
Ho Prometheus en Olympoi I. Kalostypis
Le Prométhée mal enchaîné André Gide
Prometeo Benedetto Marzullo
Prometeo Ettore Romagnoli
Prometeo Massimo Cacciari
Prometeo Emanuele Giglio
Prometeo Incatenato Gennaro Perrotta
Prometeo Incatenato Monica Centanni
Prometeo Incatenato Raffaele Cantarella
Prometeu Agrilhoado / Libertado Jorge Silva Melo
Prometeu: Rascunhos à Luz do Dia Jorge Silva Melo
Prometeusz Mirosław Kocur
Prometeusz skowany Jan Kasprowicz
Prometeusz w okowach Stefan Srebrny
Prometheas Desmotis George Eugeniou
Prometheas Desmotis Ioannis Gryparis
Prometheas Desmotis G. Themelis
Prometheas Desmotis Tasos Roussos
Prometheas Desmotis Giorgos Kalosgouros
Prometheas Desmotis Ap. Leontis
Prometheas Desmotis Nikos Sfyroeras
Prometheas Desmotis Kostis Kolotas
Prométhée Enchaîné Myrto Gondicas, Pierre Judet de la Combe
Prométhée Enchaîné Ghislaine Gwizdek
Prometheus Tony Harrison
Prometheus Sophy Burnham
Prometheus Peter Ustinov
Prometheus Heiner Müller (1929-1995)
Prometheus Nikos Karanastasis
Prometheus Bound I. Trencsenyi-Waldapfel
Prometheus Bound M. Auric
Prometheus Bound Peter D. Arnott
Prometheus Bound Kostas Ch. Myris AKA Georgousopoulos
Prometheus Bound Russell Shone
Prometheus Bound Stelio Fiorenza
Prometheus Bound Dejan Avramovich
Prometheus Bound Eduard Von Liehburg
Prometheus Bound Andrew Copson
Prometheus Bound David Thompson
Prometheus Bound Keith Scales
Prometheus Bound R. C. Trevelyan
Prometheus Bound James Kerr
Prometheus Bound Rex Warner
Prometheus Bound Robert Lowell
Prometheus Bound Dario del Corno
Prometheus Bound Philip Vellacott
Prometheus Bound Gilbert Murray (1866-1975)
Prometheus Bound (1927) 1927 Edith Hamilton (1867-1963)
Translation Year Contributors
Eschyle, Sophocle, Euripide, tome I (extraits) tome II (pièces choisies) (1894) 1894 Aimé Puech (1860-1940)
Eschyle, traduction nouvelle (1872) 1872 Charles Marie René Leconte de Lisle (1818-1894)
Eschyle, tragédies (1920) 1920 Paul Mazon
Génie du théâtre primitif grec ou essai d'imitation d'Eschyle (1817) 1817 Henri Terrasson
La Grèce Tragique, chefs-d'oeuvre d'Eschyle, le Sophocle et d'Euripide, traduits en vers accompagnés de notices, de remarques et de rapprochements littéraires (1846) 1846 Léon Halévy (1802-1883)
Le Théâtre des Grecs (1730) 1730 André Charles Brotier, Pierre Brumoy, Pierre Prévost, Guillaume Dubois de Rochefort (1731-1788), Gabriel, de François Jean La Porte du Theil (1742-1815)
Les Tragédies d'Eschyle (1865) 1865 Adolphe Bouillet
Les Tragiques grecs (1999) 1999 Victor-Henry Debidour
Oeuvres d'Eschyle, traduites en vers français, par M. S.T.G. Biard (1836) 1836 J. T. G. Biard
Prométhée (1835) 1835 Charles Aubertin, Louis-Antoine Vendel-Heyn
Prométhée (1862) 1862 Hyacinthe du Pontavice de Heussey (1814-1876)
Prométhée (1838) 1838 J.-J. Puech
Prométhée enchaîné (1996) 1996 Myrto Gondicas, Pierre Judet de la Combe
Prométhée enchaîné (1843) 1843 Philippe Le Bas, Théodore Fix
Théâtre d'Eschyle (1841) 1841 Alexis Pierron (1814-1878)
Théâtre d'Eschyle, traduit en français avec des notes philologiques et deux discours critiques (1795) 1795 Gabriel, de François Jean La Porte du Theil (1742-1815)
Traduction d'un morceau d'Eschyle (1821) 1821 Gabriel Marie Jean Baptiste Legouvé (1764-1812) AKA Le Gouvé
Tragédies d'Eschyle (1770) 1770 Jean-Jacques Lefranc de Pompignan (1709-1784)
Source Date Format Held at APGRD
'In my head, this is massive' 2005 Newspaper article archive
'The World's a Circular Stage': Aeschylean Tragedy Through the Eyes of Eva Palmer-Sikelianos 2002 Offprint archive
(Dis)placing Classical Greek Theatre 1999 Book library
2001-2002 season 2001 Print-out archive
4th International Meeting on Ancient Greek Drama 1988 Poster archive
A chronological list of film adaptations of ancient Greek plays 2000 Personal notes library
A History of Performances of Greek and Roman Drama in Japan 2005 Offprint archive
A Libertação de Prometeu: Rascunhos da Comuna 2004 Print-out archive
A Register of Josef Svoboda's Scenographic and Design Work 2003 Print-out archive
Actor pours out heart in show 1999 Photocopy archive
Adolphe Appia: Theatre Artist 1987 Photocopy library
Advertising Flyer - Prometheus Bound 1996 1996 Advertisement archive
Aeschylus play is seen in Athens 1957 Photocopy archive
Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound 2003 Print-out archive
Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound 1997 Photocopy archive
Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound & Sophocles' Trackers 1998 Leaflet archive
Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound & Sophocles' Trackers 1998 Leaflet archive
Against the Wind 1957 Photocopy archive
Agamemnon in Performance: 458 BC to AD 2004 2005 Book library
Aischylosa Prometeusz 1986 Programme archive
Aischylou Prometheas Desmotis 1976 Programme archive
Alkestis 1982 Programme archive
All performances of Steelbound are sold out 1999 Photocopy archive
Also showing: Prometheus 1999 Newspaper cutting archive
Amo, amas, amat is now all old hat 1998 Newspaper archive
Anazoogonitiki epananagnosi ton muthon 2001 Print-out archive
ANTA to present Classic in Athens 1957 Print-out archive
APGRD 2874 2000 APGRD production form archive
Ariela Morgenstern 2004 Print-out archive
Arion: A Journal of Humanities and the Classics. Vol.14.3 (Winter 2007) 2007 Journal library
Aristophanes in Performance, 421 BC-AD 2007: Peace, Birds and Frogs 2007 Book library
Art Carnuntum Welt-Theater-Festival 1996 1996 Poster archive
Art Street's Io sings with a flat midwestern voice, yet she's outrageously sexy - and funny, too 2001 Print-out archive
Audio recording on CD - Prometheus Vinctus 2014 CD archive
Auditions for Prometheus Bound 1963 Poster
BBC plays: Prometheus Bound and Sappho 1957 Photocopy archive
Billy Rose Theatre Collection, Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, New York Archival collection
Bob Wilson, 'Den xero giati kano o, ti kano' 2001 Print-out archive
Built on Sand: Royal Court Upstairs 1987 Programme archive
Burning down the house 2001 Newspaper cutting archive
Burns Mantle Yearbooks Book archive
Cahiers du GITA. Vol.10. Les Choéphores d'Eschyle 1997 Journal library
Cambridge Greek Play Resources for Schools 2013 Print-out archive
Cast list : Medea & Prometheus 2014 Cast list & credits archive
Celebratio: Thirtieth Anniverary Essays at Trent University 1998 Book library
Characters in the coming Aeschylus revival in Greece Photocopy archive
Chinese critic praises performances of Greek National Theatre 1979 Print-out archive
Chloë Productions 1998 Flyer archive
Chloë Productions 1998 Flyer archive
Chorus girls, front and center 2002 Print-out archive
Published Contributors
(Dis)placing Classical Greek Theatre 1999 Savvas Patsalidis, Akis Sakellariou, Yoko Onizuka Chase, Theodoros Grammatas, Iakovos Kambanellis, Kenneth McLeish, Bernhard Reitz, Sara Soncini, Malgorzata Sugiera, Liana Theodoratou, Richard Jones, Rhona Justice-Malloy, Shimon Levy, Nurit Yaari, Marianne McDonald, Jeanette R. Malkin, Susan Hollis Merritt, Ioanna Roilou, Barnard Turner, Dave Williams, Steve E. Wilmer, Freddy Decreus, Erika Fischer-Lichte, John C. Green, Patrick Primavesi, James Diggle, Thalia Papadopoulou, Ruth Parkin-Gounelas, Jina Politi, J. Michael Walton, Evangelos Kritikakos, Aldo Tassi, Heiner O. Zimmermann, Anne Marie Allen, Rob K. Baum, Ekaterini Douka-Kabitoglou, Kiki Gounaridou, Jennifer Jones, Anthony R. Guneratne, Shani Hadassa
A chronological list of film adaptations of ancient Greek plays 2000 Pantelis Michelakis
Adolphe Appia: Theatre Artist 1987 Richard Beacham
Agamemnon in Performance: 458 BC to AD 2004 2005 Fiona Macintosh, Pantelis Michelakis, Edith Hall, Oliver Taplin, Pat E. Easterling AKA Patricia, Inga-Stina Ewbank, Susanna Phillippo, Michael Ewans, Margaret Reynolds, Yopie Prins, J. Michael Walton, Lorna Hardwick, Massimo Fusillo, Dmitry Trubotshkin, Pierre Judet de la Combe, Anton Bierl, Helene Foley, Rush Rehm, Amanda Wrigley
Arion: A Journal of Humanities and the Classics. Vol.14.3 (Winter 2007) 2007
Aristophanes in Performance, 421 BC-AD 2007: Peace, Birds and Frogs 2007 Edith Hall, Amanda Wrigley, Ewen Bowie, Matthew Steggle, Rosie Wyles, Charalampos Orfanos, Phiroze Vasunia, Gonda A. H. Van Steen, Angeliki Varakis, Bernd Seidensticker, Mary-Kay Gamel, Betine van Zyl Smit, Malika Bastin-Hammou AKA Hammou, Martina Treu, Francesca Schironi, Sean O'Brien, Michael Silk, Vasiliki Giannopoulou
Cahiers du GITA. Vol.10. Les Choéphores d'Eschyle 1997
Celebratio: Thirtieth Anniverary Essays at Trent University 1998 Janet P. Bews, Ian C Storey, Martin Boyne, Kurt A. Raaflaub, Desmond J. Conacher, Brad Levett, Stephen R. Cavan, Kelly MacFarlane, Riemer Faber, Bryan Reardon
Dionisis Fotopoulos - Scenografo 2002 Dionysis Fotopoulos
Dioniso: Annale della Fondazione INDA. Vol.1 (new series) 2002
Dioniso: Annale della Fondazione INDA. Vol.2 (new series) 2003 Antoine Garapon, Ariane Mnouchkine, Eugenio Barba, Giancarlo Sammartano, Peter Stein
Dionysus Since 69: Greek Tragedy at the Dawn of the Third Millennium 2004 Amanda Wrigley, David Wiles, Edith Hall, Erika Fischer-Lichte, Fiona Macintosh, Froma I. Zeitlin, Helene Foley, Katharine Worth, Kathleen Riley, Lorna Hardwick, Oliver Taplin, Pantelis Michelakis, Peter G. McC. Brown, Timberlake Wertenbaker
Engagements with Greek Drama and Homeric Epic on BBC Radio in the 1940s and 1950s 2009 Amanda Wrigley
Epidauros: 40 Chronia Festival [1954-1994] 1994
Epidaurus. The Ancient Theater and the Performances 2004 Savas Gogos, Kostas Ch. Myris AKA Georgousopoulos
Forgotten Theater, Theater of the Forgotten: Classical Tragedy on Modern Greek Prison Islands 2005 Gonda A. H. Van Steen
Greek Theatre Performance: An Introduction 2000 David Wiles
Greek Tragedy into Film 1986 Kenneth Mackinnon
Greek With Consequences: Classical Association Presidential Address 1999 1999 Oliver Taplin
History of Greek Play Production in American Colleges and Universities from 1881 to 1936 1938 Domis Edward Pluggé
I Metafrase tou Archaiou Hellenikou Dramatos se Oles tis Glosses tou Kosmou [The Translation of Ancient Greek Drama in All the Languages of the World] 1998 Elena Patrikiou, Platon Mavromoustakos
Il Gioco della Scena Tragica: esperienze umane e teatrali degli studenti … 2004 Francesca Nenci
Illustrated Encyclopaedia of World Theatre 1977 Martin Esslin (1918-2002)
Inszenierung der Antike: das Griechische Drama auf der Bühne der Neuzeit 1991 Hellmut Flashar
International Theatre Annual. No.5 (1961) 1961 Harold Hobson
International Theatre Exhibition Catalogue and Bibliography 1922 Gordon Alexander Craig, Martin Hardie
Ion 1993 Costas Balaskas, Kostas Topouzis
Istituto Nazionale del Drama Antico: Nello Specchio dei Greci 1996 Domitilla Alessi
JACT Review. No.12 (Autumn 1992) 1992
JACT Review. No.24 (Autumn 1998) 1998
JACT Review. No.6 (Autumn 1989) 1989
Liber Amicorum: Prof. Dr. Jaak van Schoor, Meester in Vele Kunsten
Living Greek Theatre: A Handbook of Classical Performance and Modern Production 1987 J. Michael Walton
Observe and Show: The Theatre Art of Michael Annals 2003 Arnold Wengrow, Michael Blakemore, John Cox, Ian McKellan, Peter Shaffer, Irving Wardle
Off-Centre Stages: Fringe Theatre at the Open Space and the Round House, 1968-1983 2005 Jinnie Schiele
Omnibus. Issue 11 (March 1986) 1986
Only by Failure: The Many Faces of the Impossible Life of Terence Gray 2004 Paul Cornwell
OUDS: A Centenary History of the Oxford University Dramatic Society, 1885-1985 1985 Humphrey Carpenter
Plays International. Vol.17.10-11 (July / August 2002) 2002
Plays International. Vol.17.8 (May / June 2002) 2002
Plays International. Vol.18.6 (March / April 2003) 2003
Plays International. Vol.19.7 (April/May 2004) 2004
Plays International. Vol.20.3-4 (December 2004 / January 2005) 2005
Plays International. Vol.20.9+10 (Summer 2005) 2005
Prometeo 1994 Benedetto Marzullo
Prometheas Desmotis 1991 Costas Balaskas, Kostas Topouzis
Prometheus 1998 Tony Harrison
Radical Theatre: Greek Tragedy and the Modern World 2003 Rush Rehm
Reception Studies 2003 Lorna Hardwick
Russian and Soviet Theatre: Tradition and the Avant-Garde 1988 Konstantin Rudnitsky
Title Format Date
Burns Mantle Yearbooks Book
Characters in the coming Aeschylus revival in Greece Photocopy
Die Aufführung griechischer Dramen am Akademischen Gymnasium in Wien Photocopy
Greek Tragedy on Film: National Theatre Programme Notes Cast list & credits
Greek Tragedy on Film: National Theatre Programme Notes Cast list & credits
Jerome Robbins Dance Collection, Lincoln Centre for the Performing Arts, New York Archival collection
Listing of Greek tragedy productions by time periods Listing
Mary Kay-Gamel Materials - Files on disc CD
Performances of Greek Drama at Wellesley, Massachusetts Production chronology
Prometheus Bound - video clip DVD
Prometheus; or, The Man on the Rock! A New and Original Extravaganza Photocopy
Time out review Print-out
Greek Plays in America Print-out 1910
Collection of INDA postcards of posters for productions 1914-1992 Postcard 1914
Sir Hubert Parry Print-out 1919
Leyhausen_1927_Prometheus Photograph 1927
O Promitheus Desmotis stous Delfous Photocopy 1927
Prometheus (stage production dir. by Eva Palmer-Sikelianos; Thiasos Delphikon Eorton, Greece; ID 107) Videotape 1927
Prometheus - video recording of stage production Videotape 1927
Prometheus - video recording of stage production Videotape 1927
Delfikes Eortes: 1-15 Maiou 1930 Programme 1930
Delphic Festival, Prometheus Bound, 1930 B&W photograph 1930
Delphic Festival: Founded by Angelos Sikelianos, May 1-3, 6-8, 11-13 1930 Programme 1930
Fêtes de Delphes Postcard 1930
Fêtes de Delphes Postcard 1930
Fêtes de Delphes - Héphaistos Postcard 1930
Fêtes de Delphes - Océanide Postcard 1930
Fêtes de Delphes - Océanide Postcard 1930
Oi delfikes parastaseis kai oi idees miteres tis miteras gis Photocopy 1930
To noima ton Delfikon Eorton Photocopy 1930
Prometheus Bound of Aeschylus Programme 1936
Wellesley Prometheus, 1936 B&W photograph 1936
To Theatro Photocopy 1949
The Prometheus Bound of Aeschylus: performance by Sheffield Players Photocopy 1953
Aeschylus play is seen in Athens Photocopy 1957
Against the Wind Photocopy 1957
ANTA to present Classic in Athens Print-out 1957
BBC plays: Prometheus Bound and Sappho Photocopy 1957
Classical Plays; The Classical Outlook Print-out 1957
Classicist, 90, in Athens for staging of work Print-out 1957
Gossip of the Rialto Print-out 1957
Greek Stage Benefit Tuesday Print-out 1957
Prometeo di Eschilo … Photocopy 1957
List of 11 performances by GTSC Print-out 1958
Delfiki Idea: Angelos kai Eva Sikelianou … Photocopy 1960
Living Theatre actors in public readings of Greek plays Photocopy 1960
Prometheus Bound Photocopy 1960
Handwritten correspondence from John Ling Handwritten letter 1964
Photocopy of programme - Prometheus Vinctus Print-out 1964
Prometheus Bound by Aeschylus, preceded by Skelton's Magnyfycence Programme 1964