
Content related to this work

Format: 2025
Production First performed Venues Companies
Philoctetes unknown venue (England) Shoestring
Philoctetes (1540 - 1560) 1540 unknown venue (Cambridge, County of Cambridgeshire, England)
Philoctetes (1540 - 1549) 1540 unknown venue (England)
Philoctetes (1720 - 1726) 1720 Royal Free School (Dublin, Munster, Republic of Ireland) Royal Free School, Dublin
Philoctète (1783) 1783 Comédie Française (Paris, Île-de-France, France) Comédie Française
Filoktitis (1818 - 1822) 1818 unknown venue (Odessa, Odessa, Ukraine)
Filoktitis (1822) 1822 unknown venue (Tínos, Greece)
Philoctetes (1838) 1838 University of Missouri (Saint Louis, State of Missouri, United States) University of Missouri, St Louis
Philoctetes (1855) 1855 unknown venue (Orléans, Centre, France)
Filoktitis (1858) 1858 Eleuthero Gymnasio, Free Gymnasium (Athens, Attica, Greece) Eleuthero Gymnasio [Free Gymnasium]
Philoctetes (1885) 1885 unknown venue (Orléans, Centre, France)
Filoktitis (1887) 1887 unknown venue (Greece) Ethnikos Dramatikos Syllogos [National Dramatic Society, a drama school], Athens
Filoktitis (1887) 1887 unknown venue (Greece) Menandros
Philoktetes (1887) 1887 unknown venue (Darmstadt, Hesse, Germany)
Filoktitis (1889) 1889 Demotiko Theatro, Municipal Theatre (Athens, Attica, Greece) Ethnikos Dramatikos Syllogos [National Dramatic Society, a drama school], Athens
Philoctète (1896) 1896 Odéon (Paris, Île-de-France, France) Petit Séminaire d'Orléans
Philoctetes (1896) 1896 Odéon (Paris, Île-de-France, France)
Filoktitis (1909) 1909 unknown venue (Istanbul, Istanbul Province, Turkey) Syllogos Erasimolpon
Filoktet (1909) 1909 Teatr Miejski im. Juliusza Słowackiego, Municipal Theatre (Kraków, Lesser Poland Voivodeship, Poland) Jagiellonian University (Akademickie Koło Artystyczne Miłośników Dramatu Klasycznego)
Filoktitis (1916) 1916 Kypotheatro Nikos Kazantazis (Heraklion, Crete, Greece)
Philoctetes (1916) 1916 Amherst College, Massachusetts
Filoktitis (1919) 1919 unknown venue (Crete, Greece)
Philoktetes (1920 - 1921) 1920 unknown venue (Holland) Vlaamsche Vereeninging voor Tooneel en Voordrachtkunst (VVTV)
Philoctetes (1923) 1923 Newbury Grammar School (Newbury, West Berkshire, England) Newbury Grammar School
Philoctetes (1933) 1933 University of Harvard (Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States) University of Harvard (Harvard Classical Club)
Philoctetes (1933) 1933 Queen's University (Belfast, City of Belfast, Northern Ireland) Queen's University (Dramatic Society)
Philoctetes (1935) 1935 Haileybury College (Hertford, County of Hertfordshire, England) Haileybury College
Philoctète (1937) 1937 Théâtre du Vieux-Colombier (Paris, Île-de-France, France)
Philoctetes (1947) 1947 unknown venue (England) BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation)
Philoktetes (1947) 1947 unknown venue (Sweden) Swedish Broadcasting Corporation
Filoktitis (1948) 1948 Makronisos Prison (Makrónisos, Greece)
Philoctetes (1948) 1948 Radley College (Abingdon, County of Oxfordshire, England) Radley College, Oxfordshire
Philoktet (1954) 1954 unknown venue (Germany)
Philoctetes (1955 - 1961) 1955 unknown venue (England) BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation)
Filoktitis (1955) 1955 unknown venue (Megalopolis, Peloponnese, Greece), unknown venue (Xylókastron, Greece), unknown venue (Aegina, Greece), unknown venue (Eretria, Central Greece, Greece), unknown venue (Delos, Greece), unknown venue (Andros, Greece), Ancient Odeion of Patras (Patras, West Greece, Greece) Nea Skini of Costis Livadeas [a.k.a. Omilos Archaias Tragodias]
Philoctetes (1957) 1957 Universität Zürich (Zurich, Kanton Zürich, Switzerland) Universität Zürich
Philoctetes (1958) 1958 Theatre de Lys (New York City, New York, United States) American National Theatre & Academy (ANTA)
Philoctetes (1959) 1959 Theatre de Lys (New York City, New York, United States) American National Theatre & Academy (ANTA)
Philoctetes (1959) 1959 Theatre de Lys (New York City, New York, United States) American National Theatre & Academy (ANTA)
Philoctetes (1960) 1960 Living Theater (New York City, New York, United States) Living Theatre Company
Philoctetes (1960 - 1969) 1960 High School of Dublin (Dublin, Munster, Republic of Ireland) High School of Dublin
Philoctetes (1960) 1960 unknown venue (New York City, New York, United States) Living Theatre Company
Philoctète (1961) 1961 Ancient Theatre of Fourvière (Lyon, Rhône-Alpes, France)
Philoktet (1962) 1962 Bundesrealschule Wien (Vienna, Vienna, Austria) Akademischen Gymnasiums Wien
Philoctetes (1962) 1962 unknown venue (Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany) Alleyn's School, Dulwich, John Lyon School, Harrow
Philoctetes (1962) 1962 Hibiya Amphitheatre (Tokyo, Tōkyō-to, Japan) University of Tokyo (Greek Tragedy Study Club)
Philoctetes (1963) 1963 Dramatiska Teatern (Stockholm, Greater Stockholm, Sweden) Kungliga Dramatiska Teatern, Stockholm
Philoctetes (1963) 1963 unknown venue (England) BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation)
Philoctetes (1963) 1963 Union Theological Seminary (United States)
Filoktitis (1963) 1963 Pagkyprion Gymnasion (Nicosia, Nicosia District, Cyprus) Pagkyprion Gymnasion, Nicosia
Script Year Contributors
Filoktet Kazimierez Kaszewski
Filoktet Robert Chodkowski
Filoktetes Esko Elstela
Filoktitis Tasos Roussos
Filoktitis Nikolaos Pikkolos
Filoktitis Chr. Chatzichristos
Filoktitis Spyros Alexiou
Filoktitis Costis Livadeas AKA Κωστης Λειβαδεας
Filoktitis Kostas Thrakiotis
Filoktitis Sergios Myrtiotis
Filoktitis Vasilis Ziogas
Filottete Enzio Cetrangolo
Filottete Maricla Boggio, Agostino Masaracchia
La Tragedia di Aldo Moro Dario Fo
Neutral Ground Tom Stoppard
Paradise (2021) 2021 Kae Tempest
Philoctète Jean-Louis Besson, Jean Jourdheuil
Philoctète Jean-François de la Harpe
Philoctète (1898) 1898 André Gide
Philoctetes Guido Paduano, Massimo Fusillo
Philoctetes Eleanor Brown
Philoctetes Leonidas Zenakos
Philoctetes Peter Verhelst, Eric Joris
Philoctetes Blair
Philoctetes E. F. Watling
Philoctetes David Raeburn
Philoctetes Christopher Stace
Philoctetes Patrick Daly
Philoctetes Keith Johnstone
Philoctetes Kenneth Cavander
Philoctetes Ellis Rabb, Stephen Porter
Philoctetes David Grene
Philoctetes Roger Ascham
Philoctetes John Jesurun
Philoctetes Ljubisa Georgievski
Philoctetes Kenneth McLeish
Philoctetes Victor-Henry Debidour, J. Pouilloux, G. Roux
Philoctetes Giles Evans
Philoctetes Christopher Webber
Philoctetes (1888) 1888 George Young
Philoktet Kajetan Gantar
Philoktet Wolfgang Schadewaldt
Philoktet Heiner Müller (1929-1995)
Philoktetes Carl R. Mueller, Anna Krajewska-Wieczorek
Philoktetes Emil Zilliacus
The Angry Wound (2009) 2009 Julian Armistead
The Cure at Troy (1990) 1990 Seamus Heaney
The Sore-Footed Man James K. Baxter
Three Birds Alighting on a Field Timberlake Wertenbaker
Three Birds Alighting on a Field Timberlake Wertenbaker
Translation Year Contributors
Eschyle, Sophocle, Euripide, tome I (extraits) tome II (pièces choisies) (1894) 1894 Aimé Puech (1860-1940)
Le Théâtre des Grecs (1730) 1730 André Charles Brotier, Pierre Brumoy, Pierre Prévost, Guillaume Dubois de Rochefort (1731-1788), Gabriel, de François Jean La Porte du Theil (1742-1815)
Les Tragédies de Sophocle, traduites par M. Bellaguet (1879) 1879 Louis Bellaguet (1818-1900)
Les Tragiques grecs (1999) 1999 Victor-Henry Debidour
Philoctète, tragédie de Sophocle, trad. du grec (1813) 1813 Jean-Baptiste Gail (1755-1829)
Philoctète, tragédie traduite du grec de Sophocle (1781) 1781 Jean-François de la Harpe
Philoktètes (1896) 1896 Pierre Quillard
Sophocle, texte établi et traduit par Paul Masqueray (1922) 1922 Paul Masqueray
Sophocle, traduction nouvelle (1877) 1877 Charles Marie René Leconte de Lisle (1818-1894)
Sophocles, tragédies (1950) 1950 Paul Mazon
Théâtre de Sophocle (1862) 1862 Eugène Talbot (1814-1894)
Théâtre de Sophocle (1883) 1883 Louis Humbert
Théâtre de Sophocle, traduit en entier, avec des remarques et un examen de chaque pièce, précédé d'un discours sur les difficultés qui se rencontrent dans la traduction des poètes tragiques grecs et d'une vie de Sophocle (1788) 1788 Guillaume Dubois de Rochefort (1731-1788)
Théâtre de Sophocle: traduction nouvelle, précédée d'une notice biographique, accompagnée de notes explicatives, et suivie des notes de J. Racine sur le théâtre de Sophocle (1870) 1870 Emile Pessonneaux
Tragédies de Sophocle traduites en français par M. Artaud (1827) 1827 Nicolas Louis Marie Artaud (1794-1861)
Source Date Format Held at APGRD
(Dis)placing Classical Greek Theatre 1999 Book library
100 years of the Classical Club Flyer archive
7,000 see Greek play 1969 Newspaper cutting archive
A first time for Sophocles at Harvard 1933 Photocopy archive
A History of Performances of Greek and Roman Drama in Japan 2005 Offprint archive
A hit and a myth Photocopy archive
A Theatre in the House: The Careys' Globe 1999 Book library
Across the road blocks to the grass roots 1991 Newspaper cutting archive
Actor Ron Vawter tot 1994 Print-out archive
Ajax-Philoctète 2004 Print-out archive
Alkestis 1982 Programme archive
Amid Our Troubles: Irish Versions of Greek Tragedy 2002 Book library
APGRD production form 2000 APGRD production form archive
Archaion Theatron Salaminos 1969 Poster archive
Arion Winter 2015 2015 Journal library
Arion: A Journal of Humanities and the Classics. Vol.11.2 (Fall 2003) 2003 Journal library
Arion: A Journal of Humanities and the Classics. Vol.13.1 (Spring/Summer 2005) 2005 Journal library
Athens Festival, 1981 1981 Festival programme library
Atsuko Hosoi email 2010 Print-out archive
Audio recording - The Cure at Troy 1991 CD archive
Bacchae 1973 Programme archive
Bacchae by Euripides: The Twenty-Fifth Greek Play at Bradfield College 1973 Booklet archive
Belfast Unemployed in a Greek Play 1933 Newspaper article archive
Berks pupils to act in Cyprus 1969 Newspaper cutting archive
Berkshire Drama. Summer 1973 1973 Flyer archive
Bradfield classic 1969 Newspaper cutting archive
Bradfield College 1969 Poster (small) archive
Bradfield College Chronicle. Vol.9.3 (Autumn 1970) 1969 Journal archive
Bradfield Philoctetes 1970 1969 B&W photograph archive
Britons as ancient Greeks at Salamis 1969 Newspaper cutting archive
Can't beat the classics 1995 Photocopy archive
Card from Charles Lepper to Amanda Wrigley 2006 Correspondence archive
CD with production photographs - Philoktet 2002 CD archive
Chorus excels in Greek play 1969 Newspaper cutting archive
Coefore / Medea 1994 Festival programme archive
Collection of INDA postcards of posters for productions 1914-1992 1914 Postcard archive
College perform Greek play 1969 Newspaper cutting archive
Curse of a fallen archer 1991 Photocopy archive
Curtain Up Guest Review: The Cure at Troy 1997 Print-out archive
Deny yourself and speak plain for Sophocles 1991 Newspaper cutting archive
Derek Walcott: A Caribbean Life 2000 Book
Die Aufführung griechischer Dramen am Akademischen Gymnasium in Wien Photocopy archive
Dioniso: Annale della Fondazione INDA. Vol.1 (new series) 2002 Journal library
Dionysus Since 69: Greek Tragedy at the Dawn of the Third Millennium 2004 Book library
Director's notes 2007 Programme archive
Drama: The Quarterly Theatre Review. No.123 (Winter 1976) 1976 Journal library
Een Theater Geschiedenis der Nederlanden: Tien Eeuwen Drama en Theater in Nederland en Vlaanderen 1996 Book library
Eleftheria 1969 Programme archive
Email from Anne Seaton to Amanda Wrigley 2006 Print-out archive
Email from Clare Sargent to Peter Brown 2005 Print-out archive
Published Contributors
(Dis)placing Classical Greek Theatre 1999 Savvas Patsalidis, Akis Sakellariou, Yoko Onizuka Chase, Theodoros Grammatas, Iakovos Kambanellis, Kenneth McLeish, Bernhard Reitz, Sara Soncini, Malgorzata Sugiera, Liana Theodoratou, Richard Jones, Rhona Justice-Malloy, Shimon Levy, Nurit Yaari, Marianne McDonald, Jeanette R. Malkin, Susan Hollis Merritt, Ioanna Roilou, Barnard Turner, Dave Williams, Steve E. Wilmer, Freddy Decreus, Erika Fischer-Lichte, John C. Green, Patrick Primavesi, James Diggle, Thalia Papadopoulou, Ruth Parkin-Gounelas, Jina Politi, J. Michael Walton, Evangelos Kritikakos, Aldo Tassi, Heiner O. Zimmermann, Anne Marie Allen, Rob K. Baum, Ekaterini Douka-Kabitoglou, Kiki Gounaridou, Jennifer Jones, Anthony R. Guneratne, Shani Hadassa
A Theatre in the House: The Careys' Globe 1999 Rosalie Carey
Amid Our Troubles: Irish Versions of Greek Tragedy 2002 Athol Fugard, Brian Arkins, Cathy Leeney, Declan Kibard, Eamonn Jordan, Helen Vendler, J. Michael Walton, John McDonagh, Joseph Long, Marianne McDonald, Patricia Kelly, Richard Cave, Seamus Deane, Seamus Heaney, Síle ní Mhurchú, Tom Paulin
Arion: A Journal of Humanities and the Classics. Vol.11.2 (Fall 2003) 2003 Fiona Macintosh, Mark Rudman
Arion: A Journal of Humanities and the Classics. Vol.13.1 (Spring/Summer 2005) 2005 David Wiles, Gilbert Murray (1866-1975), Tony Harrison
Athens Festival, 1981 1981
Dioniso: Annale della Fondazione INDA. Vol.1 (new series) 2002
Dionysus Since 69: Greek Tragedy at the Dawn of the Third Millennium 2004 Amanda Wrigley, David Wiles, Edith Hall, Erika Fischer-Lichte, Fiona Macintosh, Froma I. Zeitlin, Helene Foley, Katharine Worth, Kathleen Riley, Lorna Hardwick, Oliver Taplin, Pantelis Michelakis, Peter G. McC. Brown, Timberlake Wertenbaker
Drama: The Quarterly Theatre Review. No.123 (Winter 1976) 1976
Een Theater Geschiedenis der Nederlanden: Tien Eeuwen Drama en Theater in Nederland en Vlaanderen 1996 R. L. Erenstein
Engagements with Greek Drama and Homeric Epic on BBC Radio in the 1940s and 1950s 2009 Amanda Wrigley
Epidaurus. The Ancient Theater and the Performances 2004 Savas Gogos, Kostas Ch. Myris AKA Georgousopoulos
Filoktitis 1992 Costas Balaskas, Kostas Topouzis
Forgotten Theater, Theater of the Forgotten: Classical Tragedy on Modern Greek Prison Islands 2005 Gonda A. H. Van Steen
Greek Studies in England, 1700-1830 1986 M. L. Clarke
History of Greek Play Production in American Colleges and Universities from 1881 to 1936 1938 Domis Edward Pluggé
I Metafrase tou Archaiou Hellenikou Dramatos se Oles tis Glosses tou Kosmou [The Translation of Ancient Greek Drama in All the Languages of the World] 1998 Elena Patrikiou, Platon Mavromoustakos
Illustrated Encyclopaedia of World Theatre 1977 Martin Esslin (1918-2002)
Inszenierung der Antike: das Griechische Drama auf der Bühne der Neuzeit 1991 Hellmut Flashar
JACT Review. No.11 (Summer 1992) 1992
Leonard Bernstein: The Harvard Years, 1935-1939 1999 Claudia Swan
Liber Amicorum: Prof. Dr. Jaak van Schoor, Meester in Vele Kunsten
Living Greek Theatre: A Handbook of Classical Performance and Modern Production 1987 J. Michael Walton
Medea in Performance, 1500-2000 2000 Edith Hall, Fiona Macintosh, Oliver Taplin, Diane Purkiss, Marianne McDonald, Margaret Reynolds, Ian Christie, Platon Mavromoustakos, Eva Stehlíková, Mae Smethurst, Olga Taxidou, David Gowen
Nel Nome di Dioniso: Vita Teatrale Nell' Atene Classica 1999 Umberto Albini
Omnibus. Issue 34 (September 1997) 1997
Performances of Greek and Roman Drama in New South Wales 2009 Christopher Flynn
Production Records for Persai; Philoktetes; Medeia; Orinthes; Dyskolos (Pilot Phase Results) 1999
Reception Studies 2003 Lorna Hardwick
Sophocles Revisited: Essays Presented to Sir Hugh Lloyd-Jones 1999 Bernard Knox, Edith Hall, Gregory Hutchinson, Jasper Griffin, Leofranc Holford-Strevens, Malcolm Heath, Martin L. West, Netta Zagagi, Pat E. Easterling AKA Patricia, Richard Stoneman, Robert Fowler, Stephanie West
Teatr Grecki i Polski 1984 Stefan Srebrny
The Cure at Troy: A Version of Sophocles' Philoctetes 1990 Seamus Heaney
The Theatre on the Frontier: The Early Years of the St Louis Stage 1932 William G. B. Carson
The World of Theatre, 2000 Edition: An Account of the Theatre Seasons 1996-97, 1997-98 and 1998-99 2000 Ian Herbert, Nicole Leclercq
Theorising Performance 2010 Edith Hall, Stephe Harrop
Thespis: Bulletin of the Greek Center of the ITI. Vols 4-5 (June 1966) 1966 Marios Ploritis
Timberlake Wertenbaker: Plays 1. New Anatomies; The Grace of Mary Traverse; Our Country's Good; The Love of the Nightingale; Three Birds Alighting on a Field 1996 Timberlake Wertenbaker
To Archaio Theatro stin Nea Elliniki Skini [The Ancient Theatre on the Modern Greek Stage] 1976 Ioannis Sideris
To The Very Echo : performances of Greek tragedy by the GTSC - Greek Tragedy Study Club, University of Tokyo 2019 Mitsuya Mori, Sadao Nakajima, Masaaki Kubo, Yusuke Hosoi
Tragedia Antica e Musica D'Oggi 1978 Mario Pintacuda
Venom in Verse: Aristophanes in Modern Greece 2000 Gonda A. H. Van Steen
Title Format Date
100 years of the Classical Club Flyer
A hit and a myth Photocopy
Die Aufführung griechischer Dramen am Akademischen Gymnasium in Wien Photocopy
Greek Drama Unfolds, Also Moves and Shakes Photocopy
Listing of Greek tragedy productions by time periods Listing
Outdoor types Newspaper cutting
Philoktet (stage production dir. by Ludwig Cremer; ID 760) Videotape
Photograph Album: Philoctetes, 1923, Newbury Grammar School Photograph
Programme: Philoctetes (1988-1989) Programme
The Aquila Theatre Company: the company Print-out
The Cure at Troy [tape 2] Audiotape
Collection of INDA postcards of posters for productions 1914-1992 Postcard 1914
Sophocles at Harvard Photocopy 1932
A first time for Sophocles at Harvard Photocopy 1933
Belfast Unemployed in a Greek Play Newspaper article 1933
Philoctetes Photocopy 1933
Philoctetes offered by Harvard group Photocopy 1933
Photocopies of tickets Ticket 1933
Scene from Classical Club Play Production Newspaper article 1933
The Harvard Classical Club presents the Philoctetes of Sophocles Photocopy 1933
Harvard Alumni Bulletin Photocopy 1939
Philoctetes Photocopy 1947
Philoctetes Photocopy 1947
Programme Philoctetes Programme 1955
List of 11 performances by GTSC Print-out 1958
Theatre: 2 Philoctetes Photocopy 1959
Living Theatre actors in public readings of Greek plays Photocopy 1960
Swiss student actors Print-out 1961
Philoctetes Photocopy 1962
Philoctetes at the Hibiya Amphitheatre, Tokyo, Japan B&W photograph 1962
Sophokles: Philoktet Photocopy 1962
Philoctetes Photocopy 1963
Philoctetes Photocopy 1963
Philoctetes Photocopy 1963
Videotape of stage productions - Elektra and Philoktet Videotape 1963
Theatre World Annual 1965: A Full Pictorial Review of the 1963-64 London Season Photocopy 1965
Image 1 Print-out 1966
Image 2 Print-out 1966
Image 3 Print-out 1966
Image 4 Print-out 1966
Image 5 Print-out 1966
Philoktet - videotape of stage production Videotape 1967
7,000 see Greek play Newspaper cutting 1969
Archaion Theatron Salaminos Poster 1969
Berks pupils to act in Cyprus Newspaper cutting 1969
Bradfield classic Newspaper cutting 1969
Bradfield College Poster (small) 1969
Bradfield College Chronicle. Vol.9.3 (Autumn 1970) Journal 1969
Bradfield Philoctetes 1970 B&W photograph 1969
Britons as ancient Greeks at Salamis Newspaper cutting 1969