I Libretti Italiani a Stampa dalle Origini al 1800. 7 vols


Contributor Contribution Main contributor
Claudio Sartori

Referenced productions

Production First performed Pagination Ancient works performed
Admeto (1634) 1634 Alkestis
Gli amori di Giasone e d'Isifile (1642) 1642 Medea, Medea, Hypsipyle [fragments]
L'Alceste (1647) 1647 Alkestis
L'Antigona delusa da Alceste (1660) 1660 Alkestis
Gl'amori infrutuosi di Pirro (1661) 1661 Andromache
Alcesti o sia L'amor sincero (1665) 1665 Alkestis
L'Alceste (1679) 1679 Alkestis
L'Alceste (1681) 1681 Alkestis
L'Alceste (1700) 1700 Alkestis
Andromaca (1702) 1702 Andromache
Achille placato (1707) 1707 Hekabe (Hecuba)
Alceste (1718) 1718 Alkestis
Andromaca (1723) 1723 Entry number 1893 Andromache
Andromaca (1724) 1724 Entry number 1894 Andromache
L'Andromaca (1726) 1726 Andromache
Admeto, re di Tessaglia (1727 - 1728) 1727 Alkestis
L'Andromaca (1728) 1728 Entry number 1896 Andromache
Admeto, re di Tessaglia (1729) 1729 Alkestis
Andromaca (1730) 1730 Entry number 1897 Andromache
Achille in Aulide (1739) 1739 Iphigenia at Aulis
L'Andromaca (1742) 1742 Entry number 1898 Andromache
L'Andromaca (1742) 1742 Entry number 1899 Andromache
Andromaca (1743) 1743 Entry number 1900 Andromache
Andromaca (1746) 1746 Entry number 1901 Andromache
Andromaca (1748) 1748 Entry number 1902 Andromache
Andromaca (1750) 1750 Entry number 1903 Andromache
Andromaca (1752) 1752 Entry number 1905 Andromache
Andromaca (1753) 1753 Entry number 1907 Andromache
L'Andromaca (1753) 1753 Entry number 1907a Andromache
Andromaca (1754) 1754 Entry number 1910 Andromache
Andromaca (1755) 1755 Entry numbers 1909 and 327 Andromache
L'Andromaca (1755) 1755 Entry number 1908 Andromache
L'Andromaca (1757) 1757 Entry number 1911 Andromache
Andromaca (1760) 1760 Entry number 1912 Andromache
L'Andromaca (1761) 1761 Entry number 1913 Andromache
La Andromaca (1762) 1762 Entry numbers 1914, 1915, 1909 and 327 Andromache
Andromaca (1763) 1763 Entry number 1916 Andromache
L'Andromaca (1763) 1763 Entry numbers 1914, 1915, 1909 and 327 Andromache
Alceste (1767) 1767 Alkestis
Alceste (1768) 1768 Alkestis
Andromaca (1771) 1771 Entry number 1917 Andromache
Oreste e Pilade (1772) 1772 Iphigenia among the Taurians
Alceste (1774) 1774 Alkestis
Alcide e Dejanira (1774) 1774 Trachiniai (The Women of Trachis), Hercules on Oeta
Alceste (1777) 1777 Alkestis
Alceste (1779) 1779 Alkestis
Andromaca (1780) 1780 Entry number 1918 Andromache
Alceste (1785) 1785 Alkestis
L'Agamennone (1787) 1787 Agamemnon
Andromaca (1790) 1790 Entry numbers 1919 and 1920 Andromache
Admeto (1794) 1794 Alkestis
Alceste o sia Il trionfo d'Alcide (1794) 1794 Alkestis
Alceste ossia Il trionfo dell'amor conjugale (1795) 1795 Alkestis
Alceste (1796) 1796 Alkestis
Alceste (1799) 1799 Alkestis
Alceste (1800) 1800 Alkestis

How to cite this source

I Libretti Italiani a Stampa dalle Origini al 1800. 7 vols, accessed at http://www.apgrd.ox.ac.uk/productions/sources/10661 <6 October 2024>