L'Antigona delusa da Alceste (1660)

Original id: 
Start date: 
1 January 1660
Degree of relationship to ancient play: 
Distant relative
Production notes: 
Libretto: Aurelio Aureli, 'L'Antigona delusa da Alceste'. Drama per musica di Aurelio Aureli. Favola settima. Dedicata alle [...] altezze di Giorgio e Guglielmo duchi di Bransvich' (Venice, 1660). Dramatis personae: Alceste, Admeto, Ercole, Antigona, Meraspe, Trasimede, Eurilla, Trineo, Lesbo, Plutone, Cloto la Parca, Mercurio, Ascalafo. This drama per musica retains the main plot of the Greek source, but introduces several subplots, external love affairs, mistaken identities, as welll as comic element. It includes allegorical prologue and ballets. Further productions (some with additional music, possibly by other composers): Bologna 1661; Milano 1662; Milano 1669; Naples 1669; Teatro Grimani, Venice, 1669; Teatro Vendramini a San Salvatore, Venice, 1670. For the list of libretti see Sartori, IDs 2100-2107. The libretto for this production served as a model for L'Alceste, Hanover 1679 (Production ID 10568) and Handel's Admeto, London 1727 (Production ID 6778).
Media of production: 
Choreographic work (dance, ballet, mime etc)
Opera, musical and related genres
Ancient works:

Information related to this production

Script Author(s)
Alkestis Euripides
Venue Festival Dates Notes
Teatro SS. Giovanni e Paolo (Venice, Veneto, Italy) performed in the Carnival season between Christmas and Lent
Source Format Location if held at the APGRD Pagination
The New Grove Dictionary of Opera. Volume 4 (Roe-Z) Book library 1233
The New Penguin Opera Guide Book library 1092
The Use of Greek Tragedy in the History of Opera Print-out archive 83, 89
Grove Music Online Website New Grove Opera: John A. Rice, 'Alcestis'; Thomas Walker and Norbert Dubowy, 'Aureli, Aurelio'; Harris S. Sauders, 'Ziani, Pietro Andrea'
I Libretti Italiani a Stampa dalle Origini al 1800. 7 vols Book library
Der Geschmackswandel auf der Opernbühne, am Alkestis-Stoff dargestellt Article
La danza barocca a teatro. Ritornelli a ballo nell'opera veneziana del Seicento Journal

How to cite this production

L'Antigona delusa da Alceste (1660), accessed at http://www.apgrd.ox.ac.uk/productions/production/7463 <25 January 2025>