Original id:
Start date:
4 January 1661
Degree of relationship to ancient play:
Distant relative
Production notes:
Libretto: Aurelio Aureli, 'Gl'amori infrutuosi di Pirro. Drama per musica di Aurelio Aureli. Favola ottava. Nel Teatro a SS. Gio. E Paulo [sic] per l'anno 1661. All'illustriss. Sig. Conte Lodovico Vidmano' (Venice: Francesco Nicolini, 1661). Two versions of libretto survive, the second with alterations; they were both printed in the same year (Sartori Ids 1830-1831). It is very likely that this work was based on Euripides. The production included ballets, but it is not clear whether they were part of the opera or independent ballets performed in intervals. Dramatis personae: Apollo. Coro delle Muse, Fama, Pirro, Clesippo, Cleomene, Hermione, Oreste, Pilade, Andromaca, Atreo, Batillo, Circea, Elpenore, Edalo, Amicle, Corebo.
Media of production:
Opera, musical and related genres
Choreographic work (dance, ballet, mime etc)