Original id:
Start date:
22 February 1642
Degree of relationship to ancient play:
Distant relative
Production notes:
Libretto: Oratio Persiani, 'Gli amori di Giasone e d'Isifile. Festa teatrale di Oratio Persiani posta in muscia dal sig. Marco Marazzoli e dedicata al'illustriss. [..] sig. Filippo D'Harla iI conte di Cesij' (Venice, Antonio Bariletti, 1642). It is likely that its plot is a prequel to the Euripidean and Senecan Medea stories, with elements from the myth of Hypsipyle. Dramatis personae in the Prologo: Saturno, Giove, Plutone.
Media of production:
Opera, musical and related genres