journal article
Bibliographic reference:
Classical Journal, vol.6, no.1, October 1910, pp.24-39
APGRD item:
Associated ancient plays:
Contributor | Contribution | Main contributor |
Daniel D. Hains |
Production | First performed | Pagination | Ancient works performed |
Antigone (1844) | 1844 | Antigone | |
[A Latin play] (1870 - 1880) | 1870 | ||
Agamemnon (1880) | 1880 | Agamemnon | |
Oedipus the King (1881) | 1881 | Oedipus the King | |
Ajax (1882) | 1882 | Aias (Ajax) | |
Alcestis (1882) | 1882 | Alkestis | |
Antigone (1882) | 1882 | Antigone | |
Captivi (1882) | 1882 | Captivi (The Prisoners) | |
Oedipus the King (1882) | 1882 | Oedipus the King | |
Oedipus the King (1882) | 1882 | Oedipus the King | |
Antigone (1883) | 1883 | Antigone | |
Antigone (1885) | 1885 | Antigone | |
Acharnians (1886) | 1886 | Acharnians | |
Alcestis (1889) | 1889 | Alkestis | |
Electra (1889) | 1889 | Elektra | |
Electra (1889) | 1889 | Elektra | |
Oedipus (1889) | 1889 | Oedipus the King | |
Oedipus (1889) | 1889 | Oedipus the King | |
Captivi (1890 - 1893) | 1890 | Captivi (The Prisoners) | |
Menaechmi (1890) | 1890 | Menaechmi (The Menaechmus Brothers) | |
[A Latin play] (1890 - 1899) | 1890 | ||
Antigone (1891) | 1891 | Antigone | |
Antigone (1891) | 1891 | Antigone | |
Electra (1891) | 1891 | Elektra | |
Antigone (1892 - 1894) | 1892 | Antigone | |
The Frogs (1892) | 1892 | Frogs | |
Alcestis (1893) | 1893 | Alkestis | |
Antigone (1893) | 1893 | Antigone | |
Antigone (1894) | 1894 | Antigone | |
Antigone (1894) | 1894 | Antigone | |
Captivi (1894) | 1894 | Captivi (The Prisoners) | |
Phormio (1894) | 1894 | Phormio | |
Agamemnon (1895 - 1901) | 1895 | Agamemnon | |
Antigone (1895) | 1895 | Antigone | |
Clouds (1895 - 1901) | 1895 | Clouds | |
Oedipus Tyrannus (1895) | 1895 | Oedipus the King | |
Oedipus Tyrannus (1895) | 1895 | Oedipus the King | |
Oedipus Tyrrannus (1895) | 1895 | Oedipus the King | |
Prometheus (1895 - 1901) | 1895 | Prometheus Bound | |
Trinummus (1895) | 1895 | Trinummus (Threepence) | |
Adelphoe (1896) | 1896 | Adelphoe (The Brothers) | |
Frogs (1896) | 1896 | Frogs | |
Adelphoe (1897) | 1897 | Adelphoe (The Brothers) | |
Antigone (1897) | 1897 | Antigone | |
Mostellaria (1897) | 1897 | Mostellaria (The Haunted House) | |
Oedipus Tyrannus (1898) | 1898 | Oedipus the King | |
Antigone (1899) | 1899 | Antigone | |
Oedipus Tyrannus (1899) | 1899 | Oedipus the King | |
Electra (1900 - 1910) | 1900 | Elektra | |
Iphigenia (1900) | 1900 | Iphigenia at Aulis | |
Iphigenia in Tauris (1900) | 1900 | Iphigenia among the Taurians | |
Oedipus Coloneus (1900 - 1910) | 1900 | Oedipus at Colonus | |
Phormio (1900 - 1910) | 1900 | Phormio | |
Trinummus (1900) | 1900 | Trinummus (Threepence) | |
Birds (1901) | 1901 | Birds | |
Duo Captivi (1901) | 1901 | Captivi (The Prisoners) | |
Antigone (1902) | 1902 | Antigone | |
Antigone (1902) | 1902 | Antigone | |
Birds (1902) | 1902 | Birds | |
Birds (1902) | 1902 | Birds | |
Iphigenia in Tauris (1902) | 1902 | Iphigenia among the Taurians | |
The Frogs (1902) | 1902 | Frogs | |
[Scenes from Captivi, Trinummus, and Phormio] (1902) | 1902 | Captivi (The Prisoners), Trinummus (Threepence), Phormio | |
Ajax (1903) | 1903 | Aias (Ajax) | |
Birds (1903) | 1903 | Birds | |
Iphigenia among the Taurians (1903) | 1903 | Iphigenia among the Taurians | |
Ajax (1904) | 1904 | Aias (Ajax) | |
Ajax (1904) | 1904 | Aias (Ajax) | |
Trinummus (1904) | 1904 | Trinummus (Threepence) | |
Captivi (1905) | 1905 | Captivi (The Prisoners) | |
Iphigenia in Tauris (1905) | 1905 | Iphigenia among the Taurians | |
Oedipus at Colonus (1905) | 1905 | Oedipus at Colonus | |
Agamemnon (1906) | 1906 | Agamemnon | |
Captivi (1906) | 1906 | Captivi (The Prisoners) | |
Antigone (1907) | 1907 | Antigone | |
Eumenides (1907) | 1907 | Eumenides | |
Iphigenia in Tauris (1907) | 1907 | Iphigenia among the Taurians | |
Iphigenia in Tauris (1907) | 1907 | Iphigenia among the Taurians | |
Iphigenia in Tauris (1907) | 1907 | Iphigenia among the Taurians | |
Menaechmi (1907) | 1907 | Menaechmi (The Menaechmus Brothers) | |
Phormio (1907) | 1907 | Phormio | |
[A Greek play] (1907) | 1907 | ||
Agamemnon (1908) | 1908 | Agamemnon | |
Antigone (1908) | 1908 | Antigone | |
Choephoroi (1908) | 1908 | Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers) | |
Electra (1908) | 1908 | Elektra | |
Iphigenia in Tauris (1908) | 1908 | Iphigenia among the Taurians | |
Menaechmi (1908) | 1908 | Menaechmi (The Menaechmus Brothers) | |
Oedipus Tyrannus (1908) | 1908 | Oedipus the King | |
Rudens (1908) | 1908 | Rudens (The Rope) | |
Alcestis (1909) | 1909 | Alkestis | |
Alcestis (1909) | 1909 | Alkestis | |
Antigone (1909) | 1909 | Antigone | |
Antigone (1909) | 1909 | Antigone | |
Antigone (1909) | 1909 | Antigone | |
Epitrepontes (1909) | 1909 | Epitrepontes (The Arbitration) | |
Eunuchus (1909 - 1910) | 1909 | Eunuchus (The Eunuch) | |
Medea (1909) | 1909 | Medea | |
Medea (1909) | 1909 | Medea | |
Menaechmi (1909) | 1909 | Menaechmi (The Menaechmus Brothers) | |
Menaechmi (1909) | 1909 | Menaechmi (The Menaechmus Brothers) | |
Phormio (1909) | 1909 | Phormio | |
Trinummus (1909) | 1909 | Trinummus (Threepence) | |
Trojan Women (1909) | 1909 | Trojan Women | |
A Three-Penny Bit (1910) | 1910 | Trinummus (Threepence) | |
Alcestis (1910) | 1910 | Alkestis | |
Alcestis (1910) | 1910 | Alkestis | |
Alcestis (1910) | 1910 | Alkestis | |
Antigone (1910) | 1910 | Antigone | |
Antigone (1910) | 1910 | Antigone | |
Antigone (1910) | 1910 | Antigone | |
Clouds (1910) | 1910 | Clouds | |
Electra (1910) | 1910 | Elektra | |
Elektra (1910) | 1910 | Elektra | |
Medea (1910) | 1910 | Medea | |
Oedipus the King (1910) | 1910 | Oedipus the King | |
Oedipus Tyrannus (1910) | 1910 | Oedipus the King | |
Oedipus Tyrannus (1910) | 1910 | Oedipus the King | |
Phormio (1910) | 1910 | Phormio | |
Trinummus (1910) | 1910 | Trinummus (Threepence) | |
Adelphoe (1911) | 1911 | Adelphoe (The Brothers) | |
Antigone (1911) | 1911 | Antigone | |
Phormio (1911) | 1911 | Phormio |
Greek Plays in America, accessed at <7 March 2025>