Agamemnon (1880)

Original id: 
Start date: 
3 June 1880
Degree of relationship to ancient play: 
Original language
Media of production: 
Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
Ancient works:

Information related to this production

Script Author(s)
Agamemnon Aeschylus
Person Role Notes
Lawrence Alma-Tadema (1836-1912) Academic Adviser advised on scenery and costumes
Frank R. Benson Actor Clytemnestra
Frank R. Benson Producer
W. A. S. Benson Set Designer
M. C. Bickersteth Actor Chorus
A. Bradley Chorus Direction
W. N. Bruce Actor Agamemnon
Edward Burne-Jones Academic Adviser advised on scenery and costumes
William Leonard Courtney Actor Watchman
H. A. C. Dunn Actor Aegisthus
W. S. Eastwood Actor Chorus
R. R. Farrant Actor Chorus
J. A. Fort Actor Herald
J. T. A. Haines Actor Chorus
E. W. Huntingford Actor Chorus
Leonard Huxley (1860-1933) Actor Chorus
F. A. Kerr Actor Chorus
George P. Lawrence Actor Cassandra
Frederick Leighton Academic Adviser advised on scenery and costumes
C. Lowry Actor Chorus
James William Mackail Actor Chorus
Alan Murray Mackinnon (b.1860) Actor Chorus
Walter Parratt Composer
A. O. Perkins Actor Chorus
S. Pickering Actor Chorus
James Rennell Rodd (1858-1941) Actor Chorus
James Rennell Rodd (1858-1941) scene painter
A. S. Ryle scene painter
J. Shelton stage carpenter
C. Spring-Rice Actor Slave or Attendant
M. T. Tatham Actor Chorus
T. R. Walrond Actor Chorus
Source Format Location if held at the APGRD Pagination
Inszenierung der Antike: das Griechische Drama auf der Bühne der Neuzeit Book library 108, 395
Benson and the Bensonians Book library 6-11, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 30-32, 63
Epo popo popo popo! Aristophanes' Birds at the 'minor national institution' of the Cambridge Greek Play Photocopy archive
The Cambridge Companion to Greek Tragedy Book library 290
A Hundred Years of the Cambridge Greek Play Souvenir programme archive
Medea and British Legislation Before the First World War Offprint archive 26
Living Greek Theatre: A Handbook of Classical Performance and Modern Production Book library 332
House of Atreus: Being the Agamemnon, Libation-Bearers, and Furies Book library xxxii
Greek Play Centenary Magazine article archive
Sophocles Revisited: Essays Presented to Sir Hugh Lloyd-Jones Book library 291
Letter from Don Chapman to David Gowen Correspondence archive
OUDS: A Centenary History of the Oxford University Dramatic Society, 1885-1985 Book library 22, 44
History of Greek Play Production in American Colleges and Universities from 1881 to 1936 Photocopy library 3, 4
Performance of the Agamemnon at Balliol College, Oxford - the last scene Photocopy archive
The Invention of Jane Harrison Book library 45, 47
Classics Transformed: Schools, Universities and Society in England, 1830-1960 Book library 157 n.44
A century of English ritual Newspaper cutting archive
The Oxford Amateurs: A Short History of Theatricals at the University Book library 57-64, 67, 124, 127-128, 130
Email from Fiona Macintosh to Amanda Wrigley Print-out archive
Omnibus. Issue 04 (November 1982) Journal library 13
Alcestis on the British stage Photocopy archive 297, 298
Greek Tragedy and the British Stage, 1566-1997 Print-out archive 127
Who Needs Greek? Contests in the Cultural History of Hellenism Book library 111 n.14
The Culture of Classicism: Ancient Greece and Rome in Amercian Intellectual Life, 1780-1910 Book library 148
A Short History of the Oxford University Dramatic Society Photocopy archive 6
Photocopy of Flyer: Agamemnon Photocopy archive
Reception Studies Book library 59f.
Photocopy of Flyer: Agamemnon Photocopy archive
Aristophanes in Philadelphia: The Acharnians of 1886 Photocopy archive
Review Photocopy: The Agamemnon at Oxford Photocopy archive
A Guide to Greek Tragedy for English Readers Print-out archive 321
Greek Plays in America Print-out archive
Agamemnon in Performance: 458 BC to AD 2004 Book library 140, 141, 158, 167, 367
In the Shadow of Aristophanes: The 1903 Iphigeneia in Tauris in Philadelphia Offprint archive 337
Engagements with Greek Drama and Homeric Epic on BBC Radio in the 1940s and 1950s Thesis library 73 n. 206
Performing Greek Drama in Oxford and on Tour with the Balliol Players Book library 1
Programme: Agamemnon (1880) Programme archive

How to cite this production

Agamemnon (1880), accessed at <9 February 2025>