unknown venue (United States)

Productions at this venue

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Format: 2025
Format: 2025
Productionsort descending First performed Companies Ancient works performed
Oedipus at Colonus (1974) 1974 Oedipus at Colonus
Oedipus Goes to Hollywood (1994) 1994 Pantechnicon Art Oedipus the King
Oedipus Rex (1945) 1944 Reader's Theatre Oedipus the King
Oedipus Rising (1993) 1993 Oedipus the King
Oedipus the King (2000) 2000 Aquila Productions Oedipus the King
Oedipus Tyrannus (1936) 1936 Oedipus the King
Oedipus Wrecks (1989) 1989 Touchstone Pictures Oedipus the King
Oidipous epi Kolono (1975 - 1982) 1975 Ethniko Theatro [National Theatre of Greece] Oedipus at Colonus
Oresteia (1959) 1959 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
Oresteia (1991) 1991 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
Orestes (1970) 1969 Orestes
Peace (1993) 1993 University of Georgia (Department of Drama) Peace
Phaedra (1961) 1961 Phaedra
Phaedra Britannica (1988) 1988 Classic Stage Company (CSC), New York Hippolytos
Philoctetes (1964) 1964 Philoktetes
Philoctetes (1994) 1994 Aquila Productions Philoktetes
Philoctetes (1995) 1995 Aquila Productions Philoktetes
Phoenician Women (1997) 1997 American Repertory Theatre (ART) Phoinissai (The Phoenician Women)
Prometheus (1967) 1967 Prometheus Bound
Prometheus Bound (1940) 1940 Prometheus Bound
Pseudolus (2001) 2001 St Olaf College Pseudolus
Pseudolus (2002) 2002 Pseudolus
Pseudolus; or, Ballio's Birthday Party (1977) 1977 Seligson Players Pseudolus
Samia Seligson Players Samia (The Girl from Samos)
Scream 2 (1997) 1997 Trojan Women
Tanguedia (1993) 1993 Phoinissai (The Phoenician Women)
The Bacchae (2002) 2002 Bacchai
The Clouds (1990) 1990 London Small Theatre Company Clouds
The Eumenides (1997) 1997 Eumenides
The Frogs (1996) 1996 Frogs
The Frogs (2011) 2011 Freefall Frogs
The Gospel at Colonus (1985) 1985 Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM) Oedipus at Colonus, Oedipus the King, Antigone
The Madness of Heracles (1997) 1997 American Repertory Theatre (ART) Herakles
The Oedipus Plays (2003) 2003 Shakespeare Theatre Company, Washington, DC Oedipus the King, Antigone, Oedipus at Colonus
The Persians (1939) 1939 Persai (Persians)
The Second Greatest Sex (1955) 1955 Lysistrata
The Trojan Women (2001) 2001 Cypreco Theater Group Trojan Women
The Trojan Women: A Love Story (2001) 2001 Crowded Fire Trojan Women
The Whole World is Watching (1996) 1996 Oedipus the King, Oedipus at Colonus, Antigone
Thyestes Barnard-Columbia Ancient Drama Group Thyestes
Trojan Women (1941) 1940 Trojan Women
Trojan Women (1967) 1967 Trojan Women
Troy's Women (1992) 1992 University of Georgia (Department of Drama) Trojan Women
Wasps (1994) 1994 Aquila Productions Wasps
Women of Trachis (1950) 1950 Trachiniai (The Women of Trachis)
Women of Trachis (1961) 1961 Living Theatre Company Trachiniai (The Women of Trachis)
[Oedipus Rex] (1998) 1998 Walt Disney Pictures Oedipus the King

How to cite this venue

unknown venue (United States), accessed at http://www.apgrd.ox.ac.uk/productions/venues/1152 <10 February 2025>