unknown venue (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany)

Productions at this venue

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Format: 2025
Format: 2025
Productionsort ascending First performed Companies Ancient works performed
[A play by Terence] (1862) 1862 Miscellaneous
[A play by Terence] (1844) 1844 Miscellaneous
[A play by Terence] (1841) 1841 Miscellaneous
Ulisse und Circe (1807) 1807 Odyssey
Tutta casa, letto e chiesa [Female Parts] (1977 - 1979) 1977 Medea
The Suppliants (1903 - 1915) 1903 Suppliant Women
Suppliant Women (1903) 1903
Sieben gegen Theben (1969) 1968 Berliner Ensemble Seven against Thebes
Pygmalion (1835) 1835 Metamorphoses, Biblioteca
Pygmalion (1745) 1745 Metamorphoses, Biblioteca
Prometeo - Suite 1992 (1992) 1992 Berliner Philharmonisches Orchester Prometheus Bound
Prometeo - Suite (2000) 2000 Ensemble Modern Prometheus Bound
Philoktet (1977) 1977 Philoktetes
Phèdre (1921 - 1923) 1921 Kamerny Theatre [Chamber Theatre] Hippolytos
Phaidras Liebe (2003) 2003 Hippolytos, Phaedra
Orpheus Dionysius (1930) 1930 Metamorphoses, Argonautica
Orpheus (1927) 1927 Metamorphoses, Georgics
Orpheus (1785) 1785 Metamorphoses, Georgics
Orestie (1962) 1962 Agamemnon, Iphigenia among the Taurians, Iphigenia at Aulis, Elektra
Oedipus (1913) 1913 Oedipus the King
Oedipus (1900) 1900 Oedipus the King
Oedipus (1873) 1873 Oedipus the King
Nausikaä (1968) 1968 Odyssey
Medeia (1959 - 1964) 1959 Peiraïkon Theatron [Piraeus Theatre] Medea
Medeaspiel [Medea-play] (1975) 1975 Metamorphoses, Argonautica, Theogony, Medea, Medea
Medea in der Stadt [Medea in the City] (2005 - 2006) 2005 Medea
Medea (2007) 2007 Medea
Medea (1779) 1779 Medea
Lysistrata (1958) 1958 Lysistrata
Lysistrata (1902) 1902 Lysistrata
Les Atrides (1990 - 1993) 1990 Théâtre du Soleil Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Iphigenia at Aulis, Eumenides
Le sort de Medée Medea, Medea
Kyklops (1978 - 1984) 1978 Theatriki Leschi, Vólos Cyclops
König Ödipus (2004) 2004 Oedipus the King
Greek (1988) 1988 Volcano Theatre Company Oedipus the King
Frösche (1843 - 1844) 1843 Frogs
Fragments of a Trilogy: Medea, Trojan Women, and Electra (1975) 1975 La MaMa e.t.c. [Experimental Theatre Club] Medea, Medea, Elektra, Trojan Women
Epitrepontes (1980 - 1986) 1980 Amphi-Theatro of Spyros Evangelatos Epitrepontes (The Arbitration)
Elektra (2002 - 2003) 2002 Staatsoper unter den Linden Berlin Elektra
Elektra (1938 - 1939) 1938 Ethniko Theatro [National Theatre of Greece] Elektra
Die Vögel (1994) 1994 Birds
Die Vögel (1932) 1932 Birds
Die Perser (1991) 1991 Theater der Freien Volksbühne Persai (Persians)
Die Atriden-Tetralogie (Iphigenie in Aulis, Agamemnons Tod, Elektra & Iphigenie in Delphi) (1947) 1947 Deutsches Theater Agamemnon, Iphigenia at Aulis, Elektra, Iphigenia among the Taurians
Dido (1889) 1889 Aeneid, Heroides, Metamorphoses
Dido (1823) 1823 Aeneid, Heroides, Metamorphoses
Deukalion und Pyrrha Metamorphoses
Der neue Orpheus [The New Orpheus] (1927) 1927 Metamorphoses, Georgics, Argonautica
Das Schiedsgericht (1962) 1962 Epitrepontes (The Arbitration)
Das Lebewohl (2000) 2000 Berliner Ensemble Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides, Agamemnon

How to cite this venue

unknown venue (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany), accessed at http://www.apgrd.ox.ac.uk/productions/venues/1162 <16 January 2025>