XX Festival Juvenil Europeo de Teatro Grecolatino

Referenced productions

Production First performed Pagination Ancient works performed
Edipo en Colono (2002 - 2003) 2002 Oedipus at Colonus
Anfitrâo (2003) 2003 Amphitruo
Anfitrión (2003) 2003 Amphitruo
Antígona (2003) 2003 Antigone
Antígona (2003) 2003 Antigone
Asinaria (2003) 2003 Asinaria (The Comedy of Asses)
Aululària (2003) 2003 Aulularia (The Pot of Gold)
Cistellaria (2003) 2003 Cistellaria (The Casket Comedy)
El Héroe Trágico (2003) 2003 Aias (Ajax), Trachiniai (The Women of Trachis), Antigone, Oedipus at Colonus, Philoktetes, Oedipus the King, Elektra
Eunuco (2003) 2003 Eunuchus (The Eunuch)
Las Coéforas (2003) 2003 Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers)
Las Traquinias (2003) 2003 Trachiniai (The Women of Trachis)
Las Traquínias (2003) 2003 Trachiniai (The Women of Trachis)
Medea (2003) 2003 Medea
Mostelaria (2003) 2003 Mostellaria (The Haunted House)
Mostelaria (2003) 2003 Mostellaria (The Haunted House)
Rei Edipo (2003) 2003 Oedipus the King

How to cite this source

XX Festival Juvenil Europeo de Teatro Grecolatino, accessed at http://www.apgrd.ox.ac.uk/productions/sources/8227 <6 October 2024>