
Performances with this keyword: 
Performance People Performed at Fesival/Occasion
Medea () Biotus (Dramatist)
Nurses of Dionysus (between 499 and 456 BC) Aeschylus (Dramatist) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica)
Colchides (Women of Colchis) (between 468 and 406 BC) Sophocles (Dramatist) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica)
Rhizotomoi (Root-cutters) (between 468 and 406 BC) Sophocles (Dramatist) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica)
Aegeus (between 455 and 440 BC) Euripides (Dramatist) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica)
Peliades (Daughters of Pelias) (455 BC) Euripides (Dramatist) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica) City Dionysia
Medea (between 450 and 400 BC) Euripides II Euripides II (Dramatist) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica) City Dionysia
Medea (between 441 and 421 BC) Neophron Neophron (Dramatist) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica) City Dionysia
Medea (431 BC) Euripides (Dramatist) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica) City Dionysia
Medea (between 430 and 422 BC) Morsimus (Dramatist) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica)
Medea (between 400 and 360 BC) Dicaeogenes (Dramatist) Unknown venue (Unknown location, Greece)
Medea (between 380 and 340 BC) Carcinus II (Dramatist) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica)
Medea (363 BC) Androsthenes (Tragic Actor) Theodorides (Dramatist) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica) Lenaea
Medea (between 362 and 321 BC) Diogenes (Dramatist) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica)
Medea (Medea Exul) (between 204 and 169 BC) Quintus Ennius (Dramatist) Unknown venue (Rome, Italy)
Medus (between 190 and 140 BC) Pacuvius (Dramatist)
Medea (Argonauts) (between 140 and 86 BC) Lucius Accius (Dramatist) Unknown venue (Rome, Italy)
Medea (between 43 BC and 17 AD) Pompeius Macer (Dramatist) Unknown venue (Rome, Italy)
Medea (between 53 and 58 AD) Seneca (Dramatist) Unknown venue (Rome, Italy)
Medea (between 364 and 374 AD) Augustine (Singer) Unknown venue (Carthage, Africa), Unknown venue (Uncertain location, Thagaste), Unknown venue (Carthage, Africa), Unknown venue (Uncertain location, Thagaste) Singing competitions