Vasiliko Theatro, Royal Theatre (Athens, Attica, Greece)

Productions at this venue

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Production First performed Companies Ancient works performed
Alkestis (1901) 1901 Vasiliko Theatro, Athens [Royal Theatre], Nea Skini (New Stage) Alkestis
Suppliant Women (1903) 1903
Oresteia (1903) 1903 Vasiliko Theatro, Athens [Royal Theatre] Agamemnon, Eumenides, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers)
Oidipous Tyrannos (1903 - 1906) 1903 Vasiliko Theatro, Athens [Royal Theatre] Oedipus the King
Phoinissai (1904) 1904 Vasiliko Theatro, Athens [Royal Theatre] Phoinissai (The Phoenician Women)
Ploutos (1904) 1904 Vasiliko Theatro, Athens [Royal Theatre] Wealth
Elektra (1906) 1906 Vasiliko Theatro, Athens [Royal Theatre] Elektra
Oidipous epi Kolono (1907) 1907 Vasiliko Theatro, Athens [Royal Theatre] Oedipus at Colonus
Elektra (1908) 1908 Vasiliko Theatro, Athens [Royal Theatre] Elektra
Oidipous Tyrannos (1911 - 1921) 1911 Company of Rosalia Nika & Edmund Fyrst Oedipus the King
Elektra (1911) 1911 Thiasos Silvain Elektra
Iphigeneia en Aulidi (1916) 1916 Company of Kyveli Adrianou Iphigenia at Aulis
Hippolytos (1916) 1916 Thiasos Erasitechnon [Company of Amateurs], Etaireia Hellinon Theatrikon Syggrafeon [Company of Greek Playwrights], Lykeio Hellinidon [Lyceum for Greek Girls], Mousiki Akadimia [Music Academy], Hellenogalliki Scholi Metaxa [Greek-Gallic School of Metaxa] Hippolytos
Lysistrati (1923) 1923 Company of Giorgos Christodoulou Lysistrata
Elektra (1923 - 1924) 1923 Theatro Odeiou, Athens Elektra
Antigone (1923) 1923 Theatro Odeiou, Athens Antigone
Nefeles (1924) 1924 Clouds
Nefeles (1951 - 1952) 1951 Ethniko Theatro [National Theatre of Greece] Clouds

How to cite this venue

Vasiliko Theatro, Royal Theatre (Athens, Attica, Greece), accessed at <6 October 2024>