Ornithes (1959)

Original id: 
Start date: 
29 August 1959
End date: 
29 August 1959
Degree of relationship to ancient play: 
Production notes: 
Further performances were planned for this venue, but public outrage in response to the portrayal of the ancient priest as an Orthodox priest led to their cancellation. The 1959 production (ID 580) was, however, revived in 1960 (ID 427) and its popularity led it to be repeatedly revived with international tours throughout the 1960s and beyond.
Media of production: 
Greek, Modern (1453-)
Ancient works:

Information related to this production

Person Role Notes
Kostas Bakas Actor Euelpides
Manos Chatzidakis Composer
Dimitris Chatzimarkos Actor Peisthetairos
Karolos Koun (1908-1987) Director
Rallou Manou Choreographer
Ioannis Tsarouchis (1910-1989) Set & Costume Designer
Source Format Location if held at the APGRD Pagination
Ornithes Book library 206-209
The Birds by Aristophanes - Manos Chatzidakis' music on LP LP archive
Living Greek Theatre: A Handbook of Classical Performance and Modern Production Book library 287
Promotional booklet - Theatro Technis of Karolos Koun Booklet archive
Production Records for Persai; Philoktetes; Medeia; Orinthes; Dyskolos (Pilot Phase Results) Book library 247
Karolos Koun: Kanoume Theatro gia tin Psychi mas [Karolos Koun: We are Doing Theatre for our Soul] Book library 56
Venom in Verse: Aristophanes in Modern Greece Book library 3, 15, Fig. 2, Fig. 3, Fig. 4, 226, 124 ff, 157, 159, 168, 184 f, 191, 192, 198, 200
Playing by the Censors' Rules? Classical Drama Revived under the Greek Junta (1967-1974) Offprint archive 141, 145, 174
Unorthodox Aristophanes upsets the Athenians Photocopy archive
Aristophanes' Birds - audiotape of music for Koun version Audiotape archive
Ornithes tou Aristophanous CD archive
Data collected by Elina Dagonaki Personal notes archive
Rolling out the Red Carpet: Power 'Play' in Modern Greek Versions of the Myth of Orestes from the 1960s and 1970s. Part I Offprint library 58 n.13
Gods and rockers: is the legacy of the ancient world stifling modern Greek drama? Print-out archive
Aristophanes in Performance, 421 BC-AD 2007: Peace, Birds and Frogs Book library xi; 18; 24-26; 159ff. with Fig. 9.2
Promotional postcard for conference with production photograph from Koun's Birds Postcard archive
Greek Artists and Ancient Greek Drama: Stage Sets and Costumes - Exhibition Catalogue Book library 20

How to cite this production

Ornithes (1959), accessed at http://www.apgrd.ox.ac.uk/productions/production/580 <9 February 2025>