Communicating Ancient Greece and Rome (CAGR) is a two-year training programme for graduates and Early Career Researchers interested in public engagement, run by the APGRD. It was funded by the AHRC from its Collaborative Research Training Scheme.
CAGR 1 (2010-2012)
In the first phase of CAGR, 20 doctoral students were selected from CRSN (Classical Reception Studies Network) institutions nationwide through competitive application to participate in the programme. The students traveled to venues around the country to learn about and to practise public engagement techniques that enabled them to communicate their research to the general public in innovative, exciting and accessible ways.
For more information, see CAGR 1 (2010-2012)
CAGR 2 (2012-2014)
The second CAGR programme ran from 2012 to 2014 and built on the success of the first CAGR programme. For a second time, the programme was generously funded by the AHRC and organized by the APGRD.
Informed by participant feedback, the new version took the next step in helping researchers to build sustainable partnerships with organizations in the media, arts and heritage, and education sectors.
Participants worked closely with experts and professionals in a series of interactive sessions to explore the creative potential for making research on ancient Greece and Rome accessible and relevant to a variety of audiences. The sessions, in most cases, included a visit to a partner organization to see it in operation. Participants also had the chance to learn from CAGR alumni.
In addition to these interactive sessions, participants worked directly with a professional partner to design and deliver a high-quality public programme. Up to £2,000 was available for realizing each project. Participants’ travel expenses to the relevant venues was also fully reimbursed for the duration of the programme.
For more information, see CAGR 2 (2012-2014)
To see the results of the programme, please see the project showcase in our Learning section