About the prize
The Ars Longa Essay Prize ran annually for three years, from 2013 to 2015. The idea for this prize came from Professor Richard Rose and the funds from the Ars Longa Trust.
Ars Longa Prize 2015: Arthur Miller and the Greeks
The Judges for the 2015 Ars Longa Prize have decided against awarding a prize this year. Although the essays were lively and interesting, none was considered quite to deserve the prize.
Ars Longa Prize 2014: Strauss and Greek tragedy
We are delighted to announce the winner of the Ars Longa Prize (2014), for an Essay on the theme of the operas of Richard Strauss and Greek tragedy:
First Prize (£250): Lissa Crofton-Sleigh, 'Helen with the Blue Dress on: Strauss' Die Ägyptische Helena'
There was no second prize awarded this year. The Judges this year were: Raymond Holden (Royal Academy of Music), Fiona Macintosh (Oxford), Michael Silk (KCL). We wish to express our deep condolences to the family of Michael Kennedy, who had very kindly agreed to act as a judge shortly before he died at the end of 2014. We are enormously grateful to Raymond Holden for agreeing at short notice to act as the third judge.
Ars Longa Prize 2013: Wagner and Greek tragedy
The winning entries for the Ars Longa Prize 2013, marking the bi-centenary of Wagner's birth on the theme of the operas of Wagner and Greek tragedy, are available to read here:
First Prize (£250): Michael Silk, Ingo Gildenhard and Rosemary Barrow, 'Wagner and the Classical Tradition: Ideas and Action'
Second Prize (£100): Richard Seaford, 'Form and Money in Wagner's Ring and Greek Tragedy'