Regio Ducal Teatro (Milan, Lombardy, Italy)

Productions at this venue

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Format: 2024
Format: 2024
Production First performedsort ascending Companies Ancient works performed
Agamennone vendicato (1775) 1775 Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Elektra, Elektra
Medea e Giasone (1773) 1773 Medea, Medea
Il sacrifizio d' Ifigenia / Il sacrificio d' Ifigenia (1772) 1772 Iphigenia at Aulis
Alceste (1768) 1768 Alkestis
Il trionfo d' Ifigenia e l' acquisto del simulacro (1768) 1768
L'Apoteosi d'Ercole (1768) 1768 Trachiniai (The Women of Trachis), Hercules on Oeta
Ifigenia in Tauride (1767) 1767
Antigona (1756) 1756 Antigone
Andromaca (1754) 1754 Andromache
Il Medo (1747) 1747 Medea, Medea
Ipolito [Ippolito] (1745) 1745 Hippolytos, Phaedra
La Didone abbandonata (1739) 1739 Aeneid, Heroides, Metamorphoses
Elena (1725) 1725 Helen
Nerone (1724) 1724 Octavia
Andromaca (1702) 1702 Andromache
Aiace (1694) 1694 Aias (Ajax)
Achille in Sciro Achilleid

How to cite this venue

Regio Ducal Teatro (Milan, Lombardy, Italy), accessed at <12 December 2024>