
Performances with this keyword: 
Performance People Performed at Fesival/Occasion
Agamemnon (458 BC) Aeschylus (Dramatist) Xenocles (Sponsor/Choregos) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica) City Dionysia
Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers) (458 BC) Aeschylus (Dramatist) Xenocles (Sponsor/Choregos) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica) City Dionysia
Proteus (458 BC) Aeschylus (Dramatist) Xenocles (Sponsor/Choregos) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica) City Dionysia
Licymnius (between 434 and 424 BC) Xenocles (Dramatist) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica)
Athamas (415 BC) Xenocles (Dramatist) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica) City Dionysia
Bacchae (415 BC) Xenocles (Dramatist) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica) City Dionysia
Lycaon (415 BC) Xenocles (Dramatist) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica) City Dionysia
Oedipus (415 BC) Xenocles (Dramatist) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica) City Dionysia