Court (London, Greater London, England)

Productions at this venue

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Format: 2024
Format: 2024
Production First performed Companies Ancient works performed
Midas (1590) 1590 Metamorphoses
"Pan's Syrinx was a girl indeed" (1590) 1590 Metamorphoses
The Masque of Beauty (1608) 1608 Iliad, Theogony, Metamorphoses
"Pleasure Reconciled to Virtue" (1618) 1618 Aeneid, Metamorphoses
Pleasure Reconciled to Virtue (1618) 1618 Odyssey, Theogony, Aeneid
The Masque of Augurs (1622) 1622 Argonautica, Metamorphoses
Calisto: or, The Chaste Nymph (1675) 1675 Metamorphoses

How to cite this venue

Court (London, Greater London, England), accessed at <1 September 2024>