Lincoln's Inn Fields (London, Greater London, England)

Productions at this venue

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Format: 2024
Format: 2024
Production First performed Companies Ancient works performed
Orestes Iphigenia among the Taurians
Acis and Galatea Metamorphoses, Iliad, Theogony
The Roman Empress (1670) 1670 King's Company Oedipus the King, Hippolytos, Medea
The Loves of Mars and Venus (1696) 1696 Metamorphoses, Odyssey
Oedipus, King of Thebes (1696) 1696 Betterton's Company Oedipus the King, Oedipus
Iphigenia (1699) 1699 Betterton's Company Iphigenia among the Taurians
Pan and Syrinx (1718) 1718 Metamorphoses
Circe (1719) 1719 Odyssey
Oedipus Masque (1722) 1722 Oedipus the King, Oedipus
Phædra and Hippolitus (1723) 1723 Hippolytos
Jupiter and Europa (1723) 1723 Iliad, Metamorphoses
The Loves of Pluto and Proserpine (1725) 1725 Theogony, Metamorphoses, The Rape of Proserpine (De Raptu Proserpine)
Apollo and Daphne: the Burgo-Meister Trick'd (1726) 1726 Metamorphoses
The Rape of Proserpine (1727) 1727 Theogony, Metamorphoses, The Rape of Proserpine (De Raptu Proserpine)
Oedipus, King of Thebes (1729 - 1740) 1729 Oedipus the King, Oedipus
Orestes (1731) 1731 Iphigenia among the Taurians
Ulysses (1733) 1733 Odyssey
Arianna in Nasso (1733) 1733 Odyssey, Iliad, Metamorphoses, Carmina
Deidamia (1741) 1741 Achilleid

How to cite this venue

Lincoln's Inn Fields (London, Greater London, England), accessed at <24 October 2024>