
between 380 and 340 BC
Not known
Medium of performance: 
Fully Staged Play
People involved: 
Venues and occasions: 
Production notes: 
We do not know when this play was produced, though it is mentioned by Aristotle in his Nicomachean Ethics (7,8 = 1150b 10) so it must have at least been produced before the composition of that work. The Suda dates Carcinus the younger to c. 380 and we know that his first victory in the Dionysia was before 372 BC. The date range for performance given here therefore supposes a career of forty years (the figure is arbitrary). It is not certain that this play was performed in Athens, though if, as the inscription suggests, Carcinus won 11 victories in the Dionysia then it seems likely that his plays would have be produced there (this does not exclude the possibility of subsequent performance elsewhere). No fragments of this play survive, though there is some description of it in notes on Aristotle, see TrGF1, 70 Carcinus II, F1b, p. 211.

How to cite this ancient performance

Alope, accessed at <14 May 2024>