Original id:
Start date:
19 January 1674
Degree of relationship to ancient play:
Distant relative
Production notes:
Tragédie en musique. With ballets. Early productions include Fontainebleau in 1677. List of characters: PROLOGUE: Nymph of the Seine, La Gloire (Glory), Nymph of the Tuileries, Nymph of the Marne; TRAGEDIE: Alceste, Admète, Alcide, Licomède, Lychas, Straton, Céphise, Cléante, Pherès, Charon, Pluton, Thétis, Apollon, Proserpine, The Ghost of Alcestis, Alecton, A Rebuffed Ghost, Eole, Diane, Mercure.
Media of production:
Opera, musical and related genres
Choreographic work (dance, ballet, mime etc)