Stanford University (Palo Alto, State of California, United States)

Productions at this venue

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Format: 2024
Format: 2024
Production First performed Companies Ancient works performed
Antigone (1902) 1902 Stanford University (Department of Greek) Antigone
Antigone (1925) 1925 Stanford University Antigone
Agamemnon (1925) 1925 Stanford University Agamemnon
Antigone (1926) 1926 Stanford University (Department of Speech) Antigone
Prometheus Bound (1965) 1965 Stanford University (Repertory Theater) Prometheus Bound
Orestes (1973) 1973 Stanford University (Department of Drama) Orestes
Oresteia (1976) 1976 Stanford University Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
Oedipus the King (1981) 1981 Stanford University Oedipus the King
Cyclops: Nobody's Musical (1983) 1983 Stanford University (Department of Drama) Cyclops
Oresteia (1986) 1986 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
Suppliant Women (1993) 1993 Stanford University (Department of Drama), Stanford University (Lively Arts) Suppliant Women
Ajax (1997) 1997 Stanford University (Department of Drama) Aias (Ajax)
D. the Plays (2000) 2000 Stanford University Bacchai
Deianeira (2006) 2006 Stanford University (Department of Drama) Trachiniai (The Women of Trachis)
The Bacchae (2007) 2007 Bacchai
The Acharnians (2009) 2009 Stanford University, Stanford Classics in Theater (SCIT) Acharnians
Electra (2009) 2009 Stanford Summer Theater Elektra
Omeros (2010) 2010 Stanford Summer Theater Odyssey, Iliad
The Wanderings of Odysseus (2010) 2010 Stanford Summer Theater Odyssey
Embers of War: The Iliad Onstage (2010) 2010 Stanford Summer Theater Iliad
Hecuba/Helen (2018) 2018 Stanford University (Repertory Theater) Hekabe (Hecuba), Helen

How to cite this venue

Stanford University (Palo Alto, State of California, United States), accessed at <24 October 2024>