Astianatte (1701)

Original id: 
Start date: 
1 January 1701
Degree of relationship to ancient play: 
Distant relative
Production notes: 
Libretto: Antonio Salvi, Astianatte. Dramma per musica rappresentato nella Villa di Pratolino (Florence: Pietro Antonio Brigonzi, 1701). This is the first setting of Salvi's libretto which can be linked to Euripides via Racine: it is an adaptation of Racine's tragedy into an opera libretto; according to the operatic convention the ending is modified into a 'lieto fine' (happy ending). Dramatis personae: Astianatte (silent), Andromaca, Pirro, Ermione, Oreste, Pilade, Creonte. There was another production of this opera in Florence in 1702 (Sartori ID 3266). Further settings based on Salvi's libretto or its adaptations are listed as follows. As Astianatte: unknown, Florence 1716 (Sartori ID 3267), Pietro Torri, Munich 1716 and 1717 (Sartori Ids 3268-69); Antonio Maria Bononcini, Venice 1718 (Sartori ID 3270); Francesco Gasparini, Rome 1719 and Milan 1722 (Sartori Ids 3271-72); Leonardo Vinci, Naples 1725 (Sartori ID 3273); Giovanni Bononcini, London 1727 (Sartori ID 3274); Geminiano Giacomelli, Alessandria 1729 (Sartori ID 3275); Giuseppe Nicola Alberti, Holleschau 1735 (Sartori ID 3276); Niccolò Jommelli, Rome 1741, (Sartori ID 3277; also Perugia 1743 (Sartori ID 3278), and as 'Andromaca': London 1755 (Sartori ID 1909) and Barcelona, possibly 1762 but definitely 1763 (Sartori Ids 1914 and 1915); Francesco Antonio Baldassare Uttini, Cesena 1748 (Sartori ID 3279); Antonio Gaetano Pampani, Venice, 1755 (Sartori ID 3280). As Andromaca: Buini, Ferrara 1723 (Sartori ID 1893); Chiocchetti, Reggio di Emilia 1726 (Sartori ID 1895); unknown, Florence 1728 (Sartori ID 1896); Caroli, Bologna 1742 (Sartori ID 1898), Leo, Naples 1742 (Sartori ID 1899); unknown, Florence, 1743 (Sartori ID 1900); unknown, Vicenza 1746 (Sartori ID 1901); Lampugnani, Turin 1748 (Sartori ID 1902); Perez, Vienna 1750 (Sartori ID 1903); unknown, Trieste/Trst, 1752 (Sartori ID 1905); Aurisicchio and Pampani, Rome 1753 (Sartori ID 1907); Tozzi, Braunschweig 1755 (Sartori ID 1908); Valentini, Milan 1754 (Sartori ID 1910); Scolari, Lodi 1755 (Sartori ID 1911); Sacchini, Naples 1761 (Sartori ID 1913); Lucca 1763 (Sartori ID 1916); Bertoni, Venice 1771 (Sartori ID 1917); Martín y Soler, Turin 1780 (Sartori ID 1918); Nasolini, Venice 1790 (Sartori ID 1920) and London ?1790 (Sartori ID 1919). As L'Andromaca o siano Le furie d'Oreste: unknown, Florence 1754 (Sartori ID 1925).
Media of production: 
Opera, musical and related genres
Ancient works:

Information related to this production

How to cite this production

Astianatte (1701), accessed at <18 January 2025>