Les Tragédies de L.A. Sénèque, traduction nouvelle par Eugène Greslou (1834)


Contributor Contribution Main contributor
Eugène Greslou Translator
Full title: 
Prose translation by Eugène Greslou for the Panckoucke French-Latin collection, containing Hercule furieux, Thyeste, Les Phéniciennes, Hippolyte (vol.1); Oedipe, Les Troyennes, Médée (vol.2); Agamemnon, Hercule sur l'Oeta, Octavie (vol.3). A revised one-volume edition was published in 1863 with the Latin original placed below the translation in small font. Revisions were made by J. R. Cabaret-Dupaty (Paris: Garnier Frères). Sources: BNF catalogue général, Delcourt, Marie. Etude sur les traductions des tragiques grecs et latins en France depuis la Renaissance. 1925, p.236-38. Translation available online: First edition http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k298253 (vol.1), http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k29826f (vol.2), http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k29827s (vol.3). 1863 edition http://archive.org/stream/tragdies00sn#page/n3/mode/2up (15/08/12).
Publication details: 
Paris: C. L. F. Panckoucke, 3 vols.

Information related to this translation

Script Contributors Year Relationship
Trojan Women Seneca Translation
Thyestes Seneca Translation
Phoenissae (The Phoenician Women) Seneca Translation
Phaedra Seneca Translation
Oedipus Seneca Translation
Octavia Seneca Translation
Medea Seneca Translation
Hercules on Oeta Seneca Translation
Hercules Furens Seneca Translation
Agamemnon Seneca Translation

How to cite this translation

Les Tragédies de L.A. Sénèque, traduction nouvelle par Eugène Greslou (1834), accessed at http://www.apgrd.ox.ac.uk/productions/translations/8859 <8 February 2025>