Original id:
Start date:
31 January 2006
End date:
25 February 2006
Degree of relationship to ancient play:
Distant relative
Production notes:
The August 2005 production (ID 9623) transferred to London in January 2006 with new set and costume designs (ID 9389). The show stars Hicks in five monologues about modern masculinity which take inspiration from the heroes of Greek myth: The Bull draws on Hesiod's Theogony; The One Within is based on the figure of Odysseus in Sophocles' Ajax; Somedays is inspired by Catullus' poem on Ariadne's love for Theseus; The Last Word draws on Euripides' Medea; and The Roykeaneiad is inspired by the argument between Achilles and Agamemnon in Homer's Iliad.
Media of production: