The Elektra Cabaret (2001)

Original id: 
Start date: 
20 August 2001
End date: 
15 September 2001
Degree of relationship to ancient play: 
Production notes: 
With a text adapted from von Hofmannsthal, this production featured music and lyrics by Bertolt Crecht, Cole Porter, Stephen Sondheim, et al.
Media of production: 
Opera, musical and related genres

Information related to this production

Person Role Notes
Susannah Engstrom Actor Second Maid / Orestes
Denise Fiore Actor Chrysothemis
David Fox Director
Megan Gaffney Actor Elektra
Gabriela Iaonoale Actor First Maid / Clytemnestra / Aegisthus
Peter Whinnery Designer
Venue Festival Dates Notes
University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States) 12 September, 2001 to 14 September, 2001 in the Studio Theater, Annenberg Center
unknown venue (Edinburgh, City of Edinburgh, Scotland) Edinburgh International Festival & Festival Fringe (2001) 19 August, 2001 to 24 August, 2001
Source Format Location if held at the APGRD Pagination
The Elektra Cabaret Photocopy archive

How to cite this production

The Elektra Cabaret (2001), accessed at <26 January 2025>