Thesmophoriazusae: We are not Amused (1965)

Original id: 
Start date: 
1 January 1965
Degree of relationship to ancient play: 
Production notes: 
A touring production.
Media of production: 

Information related to this production

Person Role Notes
John E. Adams Actor Mrs Wilson
Tom Carter Actor Dr Watson
Geoffrey Clements Actor A Strategic Hamlet
Peter Ford Actor An Explosion
J. Robert C. Guy Actor George Brown
J. Robert C. Guy Producer
J. Robert C. Guy Writer
John Hamwee Manager
John Hamwee Actor David Frost
Stephen Jessel Actor Lord Franks
Richard Lambert Actor Sir George Ponsonby-Trollope
A. Harry Lesser Actor Pheidippides
R. Graham Massey Writer
R. Graham Massey Actor Mnesilochus
Hamilton McMillan Actor Euripides
Edward Mortimer Writer
Edward Mortimer Actor Sherlock Holmes
Chris Moxon Actor Mr Wilson
John Nicholson Instrumentalist piano
John Nicoll Actor 'Hindu' Stan Carruthers
Chris Patten (b.1944) Writer
Chris Patten (b.1944) Actor Queen Victoria
Geoff Ramsbottom Actor Lord Baden Powell
Roger Silverstone Actor Mr Disraeli
Source Format Location if held at the APGRD Pagination
Greek Artists and Ancient Greek Drama: Stage Sets and Costumes - Exhibition Catalogue Book library 184

How to cite this production

Thesmophoriazusae: We are not Amused (1965), accessed at <15 January 2025>