Antigona (1799)

Original id: 
Start date: 
5 December 1799
Degree of relationship to ancient play: 
Distant relative
Production notes: 
Libretto: Gaetano Rossi, 'Antigona. Dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel nobilissimo Teatro La Fenice per seconda dell'autunno 1799 (Venezia, Valvasense, 1799). It is likely that the libretto drew on Sophokles. The libretto acknowledges that one of Rossi's sources had been "a play from the English stage".
Media of production: 
Opera, musical and related genres
Ancient works:

Information related to this production

Person Role Notes
Francesco Basili (1767-1850) Composer
Giovanni Bertani Singer Nearco
Angela Chiesa Singer Ismene
Antonio Coldani Singer Adrasto
Teresa Coliani Singer Antigona
Salvator de Lorenzi Singer Creonte
Abramin Grego Costume Designer
Baldissera Majani Conductor
Nicoletto Pellandi Scenographer
Pietro Righi Singer Emone
Gaetano Rossi (1774-1855) Librettist
Venue Festival Dates Notes
PalaFenice (Venice, Veneto, Italy) 5 December, 1799

How to cite this production

Antigona (1799), accessed at <24 January 2025>