Electra |
Elektra |
Coburn Players |
Hecuba |
Hekabe (Hecuba) |
Director's Collective |
Medea |
Medea |
Pluto |
Metamorphoses, Georgics |
Women of Trachis |
Trachiniai (The Women of Trachis) |
University of Columbia (Oscar Hammerstein II Center for Theatre Studies) |
A Very Naughty Greek Play (Utopia Parkway) (2005) |
Wasps |
The Aquila Theatre Company |
Sophocles' Electra |
Elektra |
Jason |
Medea |
Medea |
Medea |
Clytemnestra |
The Frogs |
Frogs |
New York University (Washington Square Players) |
Trojan Women |
Trojan Women |
Columbia University |
The Trojan Women |
Trojan Women |
Neighbourhood Playhouse School of Theatre |
Oedipus at Colonus |
Oedipus at Colonus |
Gilgamesh Theatre Group |
Oedipus |
Oedipus |
Lysistrata |
Lysistrata |
Greek Cultural Center |
Trojan Women |
Trojan Women |
Stanford University |
Medea |
Medea |
Columbia University (New College) |
"Midas" |
Metamorphoses |
Antigone |
Antigone |
York College, New York |
Antigone |
Antigone |
Chelsea Theatre Committee |
Lysistrata 100 |
Lysistrata |
Untitled Theatre Company #61 |
Pygmalion (1796) |
1796 |
Metamorphoses, Biblioteca |
Ariadne Abandoned by Theseus on the Isle of Naxos (1797) |
1797 |
Iliad, Odyssey, Carmina, Metamorphoses |
The Whims of Galatea (1797) |
1797 |
Metamorphoses, Biblioteca |
Medea and Jason (1800) |
1800 |
Medea |
Medea and Jason (1805) |
1805 |
Medea |
Dido (1828) |
1828 |
Aeneid, Heroides, Metamorphoses |
Oedipus, or the Riddle of the Sphinx (1834) |
1834 |
Oedipus the King |
Ion (1836 - 1837) |
1836 |
Ion |
New York's National Theatre |
Ion (1836) |
1836 |
Ion, Trachiniai (The Women of Trachis), Phoinissai (The Phoenician Women), Oedipus at Colonus, Oedipus the King, Hippolytos, Antigone |
Ion (1837) |
1837 |
Ion |
Ion (1840) |
1840 |
Ion |
Sophocles' Antigone (1845) |
1845 |
Elektra, Antigone |
Antigone (1845) |
1845 |
Antigone |
Antigone (1845) |
1845 |
Antigone |
Ion (1845) |
1845 |
Ion, Oedipus at Colonus, Oedipus the King, Antigone, Hippolytos, Trachiniai (The Women of Trachis), Phoinissai (The Phoenician Women) |
Ion (1845) |
1845 |
Ion, Oedipus at Colonus, Oedipus the King, Antigone, Phoinissai (The Phoenician Women), Trachiniai (The Women of Trachis), Hippolytos |
Alcestis: The Original Strong-Minded Woman. A Classical Burlesque in One Act (1850) |
1850 |
Alkestis |
Ion (1852) |
1852 |
Ion |
Ion (1853) |
1853 |
Ion, Hippolytos, Trachiniai (The Women of Trachis), Phoinissai (The Phoenician Women), Antigone, Oedipus at Colonus, Oedipus the King |
Medea (1857) |
1857 |
Medea |
Ion (1857) |
1857 |
Ion |
Medea and My Deary (1857) |
1857 |
Medea |
Euripides' Electra (1858) |
1858 |
Elektra |
New York's Academy of Drama |
Medea (1859) |
1859 |
Medea |
Dido, the Celebrated Widow (1860) |
1860 |
Metamorphoses, Aeneid, Heroides |
Medea (1860) |
1860 |
Medea |
Italian Cortesi Company |
Medea (1863) |
1863 |
Medea |
Medea (1864) |
1864 |
Medea |