Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Information related to this location

Production First performed Ancient works performed Companies
Medea Medea IRAA Theatre
Trojan Women Trojan Women IRAA Theatre
Bacchae Bacchai
Agamemnon Agamemnon IRAA Theatre
Mostellaria (1881) 1881 Mostellaria (The Haunted House) University of Melbourne
Rudens (1884) 1884 Rudens (The Rope) University of Melbourne
Aulularia (1887) 1887 Aulularia (The Pot of Gold) University of Melbourne (Trinity College)
Alcestis (1898) 1898 Alkestis Trinity College, Melbourne
The Frogs (1901) 1901 Frogs University of Melbourne
Medea (Tour of Australia and New Zealand 1932-33) (1932 - 1933) 1932 Medea
Lysistrati (1966) 1966 Lysistrata Etaireia Archaiou Dramatos [Company of Ancient Drama]
A Refined Look at Existence (1970) 1970 Bacchai University of Melbourne (Melbourne University Student Theatre)
Orestes Trilogy (1974) 1974 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides Greek Theatre Project
Agamemnon (1977) 1977 Agamemnon
Iliad (1979) 1979 Iliad
Elektra (1980 - 1989) 1980 Elektra Melbourne Theatre Company
Acharnis (1982 - 1983) 1982 Acharnians Peiramatiki Skini tis Technis [Experimental Stage of Art]
Lysistrata (1983) 1983 Lysistrata Stork Theatre Company
Medea (1983) 1983 Medea Stork Theatre Company
Up The General (1983) 1983 Miles Gloriosus (The Boastful Soldier) University of Melbourne (Guild Theatre)
Medea (1984) 1984 Melbourne Theatre Company
Ecclesiasouzi (1984) 1984 Ekklesiazousai (Assembly Women)
Iphigenia in Aulis (1984) 1984 Iphigenia at Aulis Stork Theatre Company
The Golden Fleece (1984) 1984 Medea Australian Contemporary Dance Company
Medea (1985) 1985 Medea
Medea (1987) 1987 National Ballet of Spain
The Bacchae (1987) 1987 Bacchai Stork Theatre Company, Attis Theatre Company
Troades (1988) 1988 Trojan Women Australian Classical Players
The Oresteia (1993) 1993 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides, [Fragments] Elision Ensemble
Medea (1993) 1993 Medea Chamber Made Opera
Alcestis (1998) 1998 Alkestis Trinity College, Melbourne
Medeia (1998 - 1999) 1998 Medea Ethniko Theatro [National Theatre of Greece]
Seven against Thebes (2000) 2000 Seven against Thebes University of Melbourne (School of Creative Arts)
The Odyssey in Parts 1, 2, and 3 (2001) 2001 Odyssey
Medea (2002) 2002 Medea Catastrophe
The Iliad (2003) 2003 Iliad Stork Theatre Company
Oedipus on the Inside (2003) 2003 Oedipus the King University of Melbourne (School of Creative Arts)
The Odyssey in Two Parts (2004) 2004 Odyssey Stork Theatre Company
Black Medea (2005) 2005 Medea
Dido and Aeneas (2005) 2005 Aeneid Stork Theatre Company
Prometheus Bound (2005) 2005 Prometheus Bound University of Melbourne (School of Creative Arts)
The Iliad (2006) 2006 Iliad
The Odyssey (2007) 2007 Odyssey Stork Theatre Company
Sappho (2007) 2007 [Fragments] Stork Theatre Company
The Iliad (2007) 2007 Iliad Stork Theatre Company
The Battle for Troy - Homer's Iliad (2009) 2009 Stork Theatre Company
Helen (2011) 2011 Helen Stork Theatre Company

Locations views

Production First performed Ancient works performed Companies
Medea Medea IRAA Theatre
Trojan Women Trojan Women IRAA Theatre
Bacchae Bacchai
Agamemnon Agamemnon IRAA Theatre
Mostellaria (1881) 1881 Mostellaria (The Haunted House) University of Melbourne
Rudens (1884) 1884 Rudens (The Rope) University of Melbourne
Aulularia (1887) 1887 Aulularia (The Pot of Gold) University of Melbourne (Trinity College)
Alcestis (1898) 1898 Alkestis Trinity College, Melbourne
The Frogs (1901) 1901 Frogs University of Melbourne
Medea (Tour of Australia and New Zealand 1932-33) (1932 - 1933) 1932 Medea
Lysistrati (1966) 1966 Lysistrata Etaireia Archaiou Dramatos [Company of Ancient Drama]
A Refined Look at Existence (1970) 1970 Bacchai University of Melbourne (Melbourne University Student Theatre)
Orestes Trilogy (1974) 1974 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides Greek Theatre Project
Agamemnon (1977) 1977 Agamemnon
Iliad (1979) 1979 Iliad
Elektra (1980 - 1989) 1980 Elektra Melbourne Theatre Company
Acharnis (1982 - 1983) 1982 Acharnians Peiramatiki Skini tis Technis [Experimental Stage of Art]
Lysistrata (1983) 1983 Lysistrata Stork Theatre Company
Medea (1983) 1983 Medea Stork Theatre Company
Up The General (1983) 1983 Miles Gloriosus (The Boastful Soldier) University of Melbourne (Guild Theatre)
Medea (1984) 1984 Melbourne Theatre Company
Ecclesiasouzi (1984) 1984 Ekklesiazousai (Assembly Women)
Iphigenia in Aulis (1984) 1984 Iphigenia at Aulis Stork Theatre Company
The Golden Fleece (1984) 1984 Medea Australian Contemporary Dance Company
Medea (1985) 1985 Medea
Medea (1987) 1987 National Ballet of Spain
The Bacchae (1987) 1987 Bacchai Stork Theatre Company, Attis Theatre Company
Troades (1988) 1988 Trojan Women Australian Classical Players
The Oresteia (1993) 1993 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides, [Fragments] Elision Ensemble
Medea (1993) 1993 Medea Chamber Made Opera
Alcestis (1998) 1998 Alkestis Trinity College, Melbourne
Medeia (1998 - 1999) 1998 Medea Ethniko Theatro [National Theatre of Greece]
Seven against Thebes (2000) 2000 Seven against Thebes University of Melbourne (School of Creative Arts)
The Odyssey in Parts 1, 2, and 3 (2001) 2001 Odyssey
Medea (2002) 2002 Medea Catastrophe
The Iliad (2003) 2003 Iliad Stork Theatre Company
Oedipus on the Inside (2003) 2003 Oedipus the King University of Melbourne (School of Creative Arts)
The Odyssey in Two Parts (2004) 2004 Odyssey Stork Theatre Company
Black Medea (2005) 2005 Medea
Dido and Aeneas (2005) 2005 Aeneid Stork Theatre Company
Prometheus Bound (2005) 2005 Prometheus Bound University of Melbourne (School of Creative Arts)
The Iliad (2006) 2006 Iliad
The Odyssey (2007) 2007 Odyssey Stork Theatre Company
Sappho (2007) 2007 [Fragments] Stork Theatre Company
The Iliad (2007) 2007 Iliad Stork Theatre Company
The Battle for Troy - Homer's Iliad (2009) 2009 Stork Theatre Company
Helen (2011) 2011 Helen Stork Theatre Company