Memory and Performance: Classical Reception in Early Modern Festivals (15th-18th Century)

Thursday, October 13, 2022 - 10:00am
13-14 October 2022 University of Parma ; 23-24 February 2023 University College London

We are happy to announce that registration is now open for the first stage of the conference, in Parma on 13-14 October. Please register here. For more information, please visit:

For any questions, please contact

Key Dates:

13-14 October 2022, University of Parma

23-24 February 2023, University College London

Abstracts submission: 13th April 2022


Francesca Bortoletti (UNIPR), Giovanna Di Martino (UCL & APGRD)

Scientific Committee:

Mariella Bonvicini (UNIPR), Francesca Bortoletti (UNIPR), Nicola Catelli (UNIPR), Giovanna Di Martino (UCL & APGRD), Giorgio Ieranò (UNITN), Fiona Macintosh (OXFORD), Massimo Magnani (UNIPR), Eckart Marchand (WARBURG), Lucy Jackson (DURHAM), Eugenio Refini (NYU); Paolo Russo (UNIPR), Carlo Varotti (UNIPR), Erika Valdivieso (YALE), Federica Veratelli (UNIPR).

Sponsors and Partners:

Supported by the University of Parma, the Centro per le Attività e le Professioni delle Arti e dello Spettacolo (CAPAS, UNIPR), UCL, the Centre for Early Modern Exchanges (UCL), the Archive of Performances of Greek and Roman Drama (Oxford), and the Leventis Foundation; in collaboration with the Centro Interateneo sulla Memoria delle Arti Performative (MAP – Roma, Parma, Genova), the Centro Interuniversitario di ricerca di ‘Studi sulla Tradizione’ (Bari, San Marino, Padova, Trento), the Laboratorio Dionysos (Trento), and The Warburg Institute (London).

Keynote Speakers:

Erika Lin (CUNY); Eugenio Refini (NYU); Erika Valdivieso (Yale); Paola Ventrone (UNICATT).


Thursday 13th October; Sala Conferenze dei Voltoni - Palazzo della Pilotta 3, Parma 

09.30-10.00 Registration and Coffee  

10.00-10.30 Welcome from Francesca Bortoletti (Parma) and Giovanna Di Martino (UCL)  

10.30-11.00 Keynote - Chair: Francesca Bortoletti (Parma) 

Eugenio Refini (NYU): Reviving Ariadne: Classical Reception and the Performance of Memory 

11.00-12.30: Memory and Performance I - Chair: Eckart Marchand (Warburg/ Bilderfahrzeuge) 

Claudio Passera (Florence): ​​The Glory of Rome Comes Back to Life. Real and Ephemeral Triumphal Arches for a Renaissance Wedding. Rimini 1475 

Alessia Morigi, Filippo Fontana (Parma): Spectacula. Gli edifici per spettacolo della colonia romana e il loro impatto sul patrimonio culturale materiale ed immateriale di Parma a partire dall’età moderna 

Edmund Thomas (Durham): Carnival, Classical Memory, and the Architecture of Spectacles in the Seventeenth-century Parma and Rome 

12.30-2.00pm Lunch 

2.00-3.30pm: Memory and Performance II - Chair: Giovanna Di Martino (UCL) 

Domenico Giuseppe Lipani (Ferrara): Tra reminiscenza e riuso. Frammenti mitologici dei tornei aleottiani  

Daniela Sacco (IUAV): Performatività del classico: ‘Pathosformeln’ e memoria nella temperie drammatica rinascimentale 

Giulia Fiore (Bologna): ἔλεος πολύδακρυς. Inganno, piacere mimetico ed emozioni tragiche tra XVI e XVII secolo  

3.30-3.45pm Coffee/Tea Break 

3.45-5.30pm: Performing in Elite Society - Chair:  François Quiviger (Warburg) 

Raimondo Guarino (Roma 3): Nympha loci. Poetry, Sculpture, and Theatre in the Academia Pomponiana  

Nicola Bonazzi (Bologna): Aggiungere e diminuire: i volgarizzamenti plautini alla corte estense e il caso di Girolamo Berardo 

Sergio Costola (Southwestern): Lucrezia Borgia and theatrical practice of women in elite society 

6.00-7.30 (Teatro Farnese -  Piazza della Pilotta 15, Parma) - Early Modern Scripts and Theatre Practice - Chair: Oliver Taplin (Oxford) 

Francesca Bortoletti (Parma): Introduction to Marco Martinelli and the ‘No-Scuola’ Project 

Giovanna Di Martino (UCL): Translation and Theatre Practice: A Methodology 

Marco Martinelli (Theatre Director, Teatro delle Albe), Giovanna Di Martino, Parma, UCL and Oxford University Students along with Parma’s High School Students (Liceo Romagnosi, Liceo Toschi, Scuola per l’Europa): *Demonstration Performance*: Early Modern Aristophanes in Performance 


Friday 14th October; Aula Magna, University of Parma, Strada dell'Università 12, Parma 

9.30-10.00 Keynote - Chair: Giovanna Di Martino (UCL) 

Erika Valdivieso (Yale): Classical Reception and Spanish American Theatre 

10.00-11.15 pm: Politics and Performance - Chair: Roberta Gandolfi (Parma) 

Jessica Apolloni (Christopher Newport): Classical Reception and Comparative Law at Inns of Court Revels 

Borja Franco Llopis (Uned): A Mythological Other in the Habsburg Empire  

11.15-11.30 Coffee/Tea Break 

11.30-1.00pm: Festivals and Models I - Chair: Paolo Russo (Parma) 

Giovanna Casali (Bologna): L’‘Aristotelismo ortodosso’ di Girolamo Frigimelica Roberti: eccezioni e conferme dei meccanismi di ricezione del classico nel teatro musicale del Seicento 

Benedetta Colasanti (Florence):  Appunti sulla scenotecnica antica nel teatro barocco. Il caso del teatro Farnese di Parma (1628) 

Stanislav Bohadlo (Hradec Králové): When Costumes and Set Design Trump the Libretto and Music Opera Seria 

1.00-2.00pm Lunch 

2.00-3.30pm: Festivals and Models II - Chair: Massimo Magnani (Parma) 

Giandamiano Bovi (Parma-Tours): Contesto e rappresentazione della commedia Flora di Luigi Alemanni 

Anne Morvan (Nantes-Sapienza): ‘Una tragedia capricciosa: la memoria selettiva di Anello Paulilli nella rappresentazione dell'Incendio di Troia (1566)’ 

Emanuel Stelzer (Verona): Mythographic Fantasy and Festive Pastiche in William Percy’s Aphrodysial 

3.30-3.45pm Coffee/Tea Break 

3.45-4.45pm Performance and Archives - Roundtable Discussion: Federica Veratelli (Parma) 

APGRD: Oliver Taplin (Oxford, APGRD) and Giovanna Di Martino (UCL & APGRD); FRIDAtlas: Francesca Bortoletti (Parma); HERLA: Simona Brunetti (Verona/Fondazione Umberto Artioli); MNEMOSYNE: Eckart Marchand (Warburg/Bilderfahrzeuge); DSPace-MuTheA: Paolo Russo (Parma); University of Warwick-British Library Festival Books Digitisation: Margaret Shewring (Warwick); Archivio storico Teatro Regio: Cristina Gnudi (Casa della Musica, Parma)  

4.45-5:00pm Coffee/Tea Break 

5:00-5.45pm Response by Eugenio Refini (NYU) and Plenary 

Both conferences will be preceded by three days of theatre workshops (10-12 October 2022; 20-22 February 2023), organised as part of the W.I.D.E. program, promoted and supported by the University of Parma and the EU. These will be directed by the playwright and director Marco Martinelli (Teatro delle Albe) and by Giovanna Di Martino (UCL, APGRD), and will investigate the performability and intricate web of citations embedded within early modern dramatic scripts. The results of these workshops will be presented at both conferences. 

Any questions, please email   or  .