Phèdre (1998) [2877]

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This file contains

Item Format Content Date Associated ancient works
APGRD 2877 APGRD production form 2000 Hippolytos
Brits on Broadway Newspaper cutting review 1998 Elektra, Hippolytos
Fire in the heart Newspaper cutting review 1998 Hippolytos
Mother of all power plays Newspaper cutting review 1998 Hippolytos
National Video Archive of Performance Holdings: Phedre Print-out list Hippolytos
Phèdre; Britannicus Programme 1998 Hippolytos
The other Diana effect, on the Almeida Newspaper cutting review 1998 Hippolytos
The stepmother of all tragedies Newspaper cutting review 1998 Hippolytos
Thoroughly Modern Barbarians Newspaper cutting review 1998 Hippolytos

How to cite this file

Phèdre (1998) [2877], accessed at <15 February 2025>