
Performances with this keyword: 
Performance People Performed at Fesival/Occasion
Aeolus (between 455 and 423 BC) Euripides (Dramatist) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica)
Melanippe the Wise (between 455 and 412 BC) Euripides (Dramatist) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica)
Melanippe the Captive (between 424 and 413 BC) Euripides (Dramatist) Theatre of Dionysus (Athens, Attica)
Aeolides (Daughters of Aeolus) (between 285 and 246 BC) Lycophron (Dramatist) Unknown venue (Alexandria, Egypt)
Aeolus (between 285 and 246 BC) Lycophron (Dramatist) Unknown venue (Alexandria, Egypt)
Melanippe (between 204 and 169 BC) Quintus Ennius (Dramatist) Unknown venue (Rome, Italy)