This event is devoted to current research on Aeschylus' Agamemnon. In addition to work in progress, it will celebrate the publication of three new works on the play: Agamemnon, a Performance History by Claire Kenward & Fiona Macintosh (interactive/multimedia eBook, APGRD, 2023), Aeschylus: Agamemnon by Leah Himmelhoch (Bloomsbury, 2023), and Aeschylus: Agamemnon by Edith Hall (Aris & Phillips, Liverpool University Press, 2024).
Speakers and Respondents include: Emmanuela Bakola (Warwick); Felix Budelmann (Groningen); Edith Hall (Durham); Leah Himmelhoch (Hobart and William Smith Colleges); Fiona Macintosh (Oxford); Mai Musié (Swansea); Saskia Peels-Matthey (Groningen); Tommaso Suaria (Lisbon).
Free, open to all, booking required - check back shortly for booking link.