unknown venue (Vienna, Vienna, Austria)

Productions at this venue

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Format: 2025
Production First performedsort ascending Companies Ancient works performed
Bacchanten (2002) 2002 Zuidelijk Toneel Hollandia, RuhrTriennale Bacchai
Das Lebewohl (2000) 2000 Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
Les Danaïdes (1995 - 1997) 1995 Silviu Purcarete, National Theatre of Craiova Suppliant Women, Agamemnon, Seven against Thebes, Prometheus Bound
La ville parjure, ou, le réveil des Érinyes [The Perjured City, or, the Awakening of the Furies] (1994) 1994 Théâtre du Soleil, Wiener Festwochen, Ruhrfestpiele Recklinghausen Eumenides
Das Opfer Helena (1994) 1994 Helen
Phaedra (1993 - 1997) 1993 National Theatre of Craiova Phaedra, Hippolytos
Les Atrides (1990 - 1993) 1990 Théâtre du Soleil Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Iphigenia at Aulis, Eumenides
Die Bakchantinnen (1986) 1986 Bacchai
Damenwahl (1986) 1986 Ekklesiazousai (Assembly Women)
Ajax (1986 - 1987) 1986 American National Theater Aias (Ajax)
Agamemnon (1982) 1982 Mecklenburgisches Staatstheater Schwerin Agamemnon
Ornithes (1975) 1975 Theatro Technis Karolos Koun Birds
Orestie (1965) 1965 Akademischen Gymnasiums Wien Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
Oedipus (1961) 1961 Oedipus the King
Güzel Helena [Helena Stays in Troy] (1959) 1959 Helen
The Tower Beyond Tragedy (1958) 1958 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers)
Apollo und Pan (1956) 1956 Metamorphoses
Agamemnon (1952 - 1953) 1952 Verein der Freunde d. Humanistischen Gymnasium, Vienna Agamemnon
Agamemnon (1948) 1948 Agamemnon
Die aegyptische Helena (1928) 1928 Helen
Oedipus Rex (1928) 1928 Oedipus the King
Orpheus und Eurydike (1920) 1920 Metamorphoses, Georgics
Oedipus Tyrannus (1910 - 1911) 1910 Deutsches Theater Oedipus the King
Suppliant Women (1903) 1903
The Suppliants (1903 - 1915) 1903 Suppliant Women
Die Schöne Galathee [The Beautiful Galatea] (1865) 1865 Metamorphoses, Biblioteca
[A play by Terence] (1841) 1841 Miscellaneous
Orpheus and Eurydice (1831) 1831 Metamorphoses, Georgics
Atalante und Hippomenes (1805) 1805 Metamorphoses, Catalogue of Women
Diverse scene estratte dalla Fedra (1791) 1791 Phaedra, Hippolytos
Iphigenie auf Tauris (1779) 1779 Odyssey, Metamorphoses
Orpheus und Euridice (1779 - 1780) 1779 Metamorphoses, Georgics
"Pygmalion" (1776) 1776 Metamorphoses, Biblioteca
Pygmalion (1776) 1776 Metamorphoses, Biblioteca
Teseo in Creta (1775) 1775
Atlante (1771) 1771 Metamorphoses, Catalogue of Women
Agamemnon Vengé (1771) 1771 Agamemnon
La statua animata (1768 - 1774) 1768 Metamorphoses, Biblioteca
Les amours d'Énee et Didon, ou Didon abandonée [The Loves of Aeneas and Dido, or Dido Abandoned] (1768 - 1773) 1768 Aeneid, Heroides, Metamorphoses
Iphigenie in Auilide (1765 - 1766) 1765 Iphigenia at Aulis
Iphigenia (1763 - 1765) 1763 Iphigenia among the Taurians
Alceste et Admète (1761) 1761
Acis und Galathea (1753) 1753
Orpheus und Euridice (1752) 1752 Metamorphoses, Georgics
Antigona (1741) 1741 Antigone
Anfitrione (1739) 1739 Amphitruo
Dafne (1734) 1734 Metamorphoses
Issipile (1732) 1732 Argonautica, Iliad, Metamorphoses
Issipile (1732) 1732 Iliad, Theogony, Argonautica, Argonautica
Penelope (1724) 1724 Odyssey, Heroides, Fabulae, Biblioteca

How to cite this venue

unknown venue (Vienna, Vienna, Austria), accessed at http://www.apgrd.ox.ac.uk/productions/venues/1072 <15 January 2025>